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New Zealand Adventure

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Thanks to a winning bid at the ADA/Antelope 2011 Banquet, a few weeks ago I took off to hunt Red Stag on the South Island of New Zealand with Wilderness Quest Outfitters! I would also be hunting Feral Goats, Arapawa Ram, and as a last minute add-on, a Fallow Deer.


We left Flagstaff to drive down to Phx airport and 26 hours later we arrived at the beautiful hunting lodge.


Our own personal cabin


River in front of cabin


I was amazed at how dense the rain forest was, it was not possible to walk through the forest unless you were on a game trail, plus it was so steep I thought my lungs were going to burst! Here is the trail leading off the mountain back to the cabin.


Topping out on the ridges there was small, open, grassy spots where some of the animals would come out feed.


This being the first of April, (autumn in New Zealand) the rut was in full swing, the stags were roaring their heads off! What an awesome sound!

After several days of very hard hunting, chasing roars but having a hard time getting close... everything came together and I was able to arrow this beautiful stag at 30 yards while he was roaring and challenging another stag.


Roger and I


I often curse the wind, but not on the morning I was chasing feral goats. With a very strong steady wind to mask my noise and scent, I was able to creep behind a group of 3 feral goats and let my arrow fly at this guy from 15 yard!


The arrapaw ram was a super tough hunt. The rams ran in a pack of 9-10, which means I had that many pairs of eyes to try to hide from. I chased those guys all over the mountains and hilltops! Several times getting within 20 yards or closer, but as I moved to draw I’d be busted and the chase was back on. Finally, I was able to get within 30 yards and I killed my ram that has wool like ‘Bob Marley’s hair’.


I’m very proud of my Fallow Deer. Up until now, no one with this outfit has ever shot a Fallow with a bow, the deer are so difficult to get close to they have always used rifles. I was lucky enough to be strategically standing on a jungle choked cliff face across from another cliff face where the last few days we watched the deer disappear into the thick jungle when spooked. They would dive into the thick cover and weave their way up this cliff, then end up reappearing on the top ridge. I had a 2’x2’ opening to shoot through the brush on my side of the cliff, I stood there afraid to move because of the slick ground and the fear of slipping off the cliff and dropping the 30 feet down. Sure enough those bucks followed their routine and after being spooked by something they started up the side, this guy made the mistake of weaving in front of my little shooting window and I stuck him at 12 yards!!! Pretty Cool


Roger back at the cabin celebrating a successful hunt!


After we finished up hunting we rented a campervan and took two more weeks to tour the rest of the South Island. What an amazing place New Zealand is! Around every corner we drove, the phrase “Oh, Wow” was said over and over again. There were so many beautiful sites.


Once again I have to thank the guys at Bull Basin Archery in Flagstaff for all the help and support. As always the biggest thanks goes to my husband and best friend, Roger. (We even still like each other after the 2 weeks in a campervan that really, really tested our ‘friendship’) ;)


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Very cool! Congratulations on some beautiful trophies that sound like were well earned. Great pictures as always and thanks for taking us along on another great adventure! I'm quite jealous but very happy for you!

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Wow, Eilieen! What an amazing trip! Congrats on the great adventure, and thanks for sharing with the site!







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Yeah..you go girl!!! What awsome pictures and story! I have been waiting to see and hear about your trip...Hmmm, maybe something I can put on our bucket list.


Congrats to you (and Roger).

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wow, what a great trip. Thanks for posting the pictures and story. Congratulations on the nice trophies.

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Thanks everyone! It was truly a fantastic trip! Here are a few more pics out of the 800+ pictures we took...

Milford Sound




Southern Alps






Mount Cook - Where Sir Edmund Hillary grew up and practiced to get ready to conquer 'Everest'






New Zealand roadblock! :D


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WOW - I do not know much at all about red stags but that one you got sure looks like a TOAD to me. The tops on the right side are incredible.

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Wish I could shoot a elk like that stag! That thing is awesome!!!

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WOW I am so jealous. Red stag with a bow is at the top of my list of dream hunts followed closely by caribou with a bow!!!

Congrats on the great trophies!

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Ilene, Peg and I are looking thru your pictures and are in awe. You have got to be the best woman bow hunter in the world. I don't know much about the animals you shot but they all look like giant trophies for sure. You are my idol. Can't wait to hear some stories of the trip. I'm glad you and Roger got to make New Zealand. Maybe if Peg and I ever hit the lottery. The countryside looks beautiful. Glad you and Roger made it home safe. Thanks for sharing. :)



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Ilene, Peg and I are looking thru your pictures and are in awe. You have got to be the best woman bow hunter in the world. I don't know much about the animals you shot but they all look like giant trophies for sure. You are my idol. Can't wait to hear some stories of the trip. I'm glad you and Roger got to make New Zealand. Maybe if Peg and I ever hit the lottery. The countryside looks beautiful. Glad you and Roger made it home safe. Thanks for sharing. :)



Ha TJ! By far not the best... maybe one of the luckiest :rolleyes: (fortunate to be able to take this trip). The beauty there is almost overwhelming, too much to take in sometimes :) I hope to share a campfire with you and Peg in the near future!

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