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First timer

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After a few years of looking at everybody's trailcam pics and thinking it would be a fun, I finally purchased a pair of trailcams. I set them out on a game trail far enough off the road that i thought they should be safe.

Two weeks later, I have a 65 photos on the first cam and 25 on the second. Almost all of them were of wind blowing brush. I did get a few animals. The buck pics were eight days apart almost the same time of day.

I reset both cams in different spots. with any luck I'll have some more photos to share in a couple of weeks.




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nice pics. that is a cool buck. he will be real cool in a couple of years if he grows a G3.

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Holy cow you got a lion. I've yet to get a pic of one. Thanks for sharing. Ya got a good start that's for sure. :)



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Great pictures man!

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wow, pretty good first attempt. Now you are addicted, better go out and get a couple more camera's :)

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Great Pics. Thanks for sharing. I like the bat pic. This that salt on the ground?

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That is water softener salt on the ground in two of the pics. I used a big coffee can full of the stuff to create a salt lick on one of my set-ups. Aside from the Javelinas on the salt, I had thousands of squirrel pics. It was not a productive as I had hoped.

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