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30A Antelope

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Hi everyone. I was lucky enough to draw my first rifle antelope tag. I drew unit 30A! Only problem is I dont know much of anything about the area. Of course I plan on scouting a bunch before the hunt. I am just looking for some input on this unit if anyone has had this tag in the past. The GF website says much of the antelope habitat is private land and will take some permission from land owners. I am wondering if that is going to have a hefty price tag? Any input is much appreciated.

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Hi everyone. I was lucky enough to draw my first rifle antelope tag. I drew unit 30A! Only problem is I dont know much of anything about the area. Of course I plan on scouting a bunch before the hunt. I am just looking for some input on this unit if anyone has had this tag in the past. The GF website says much of the antelope habitat is private land and will take some permission from land owners. I am wondering if that is going to have a hefty price tag? Any input is much appreciated.



Some areas may come with a price but offer to help them with the ranch while you're scouting there, may include fences, digging, repairing water sources etc. Shoot some yotes as well, that can be traded in for the fee for hunting their land.


You shouldnt have too many problems though, the only huntable animals out in that general area are pronghorn and javelina and there's not much pronghorn hunters out there each year.

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a friend of mine had this tag a few years ago. he did not have any problems getting on enough ranches to scout. there was one rancher that had some friends from Douglas that had tags and he wasn't going to let anyone on his ranch until his friends had tagged out. these antelope are transplants from TX and do not have the genetics for big horns like their cousins do in N AZ. My friend tagged out opening morning before the sun was even up. He scouted a lot. Found the one he thought was the biggest. Put him to bed the night before and was done in the first 10 minutes of light.

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Thanks for all the information guys. I really like hearing that a past hunter didnt have many issues with land access. Do you by chance know if your buddy camped there or if he rented a motel? Also, how big was his buck? I just wonder what is to be expected out there since they are not as big as most AZ antelope.

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we camped out thursday night. no trees. gone by noon on friday. I would guess his buck was low 70s. probably 13 inches long. those TX transplant bucks just do not get that big. I will look and see if I can find a picture. probably on the external hard drive.

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Access can definitely be a problem but there is plenty of land to hunt and with a little leg work and communication with the ranchers you shouldn't have an issue. As Sundevil said they are smaller then most antelope in the state but still a very fun and rewarding hunt. Here are a couple of pictures of my dad's buck from a few years ago.





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Like every hunt you need to scout and find where the big boys are hangin! I've seen some monster bucks in this unit, don't listen to these guys who are saying that there aren't any trophy bucks in the unit. I can't wait till I draw that tag!! Good luck on your hunt, if your willing to put in plenty if scouting and get to know where they water, as well as graze I azure you will find a trophy buck.

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I hunted down there two years ago for a december whitetail in the penicillos. I would talk to Border Patrol down there while scouting; the wetbacks seem to take the flat land thus having a run is more likely. It would suck to have your camp pillaged though. Camping in the penicillos or by the graveyard around the v7 would be your best bet. Its like mile marker 32 somewhere like that on the Geronimo Trail. We camped between the v7 ranch and the coronado forest line its probably 20 minutes more or less from the san berdanino valley where the antelope are.

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Here are a few pictures I've taken in the last week and a half. Just to give you an idea of what's out there. All between mm 390-400 on hwy 80. Nothing to make the book but a couple decent ones. Hope it helps. And good luck.post-6252-0-72798700-1346532651_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-87562100-1346532684_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-01802500-1346532724_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-08084400-1346532783_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-07585100-1346532813_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-41202100-1346532854_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-14806900-1346532892_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-43345200-1346532941_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-30411400-1346532977_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-52792900-1346533021_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-54927600-1346533061_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-59440800-1346533116_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-83814700-1346533163_thumb.jpgpost-6252-0-22911200-1346533206_thumb.jpg

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Any luck on the hunt?


Hey guys here is the buck I got on this hunt. i shot him opening morning from 200 yards. I was having issues with getting onto any property to hunt. Basically I was only able to hunt right off the highway on one certain ranch. I wasnt able to drive onto any ranch. I was really bummed with that. I saw him and couldnt pass up the oppurtunity at a decent buck. Let me know what you guys think he scores.




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