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Governor's Tags

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Several states now have 'em. Auction tags sponsored by a wildlife conservation organization that go to the high bidder that allows the hunter an extended statewide season. Some sell for six figures. The winning bidder usually gets to hunt during the rut and on the winter range, too.


Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and I believe Wyoming has 'em. There may be other western states as well.


Proponents say that the $$$ generated is a huge amount that can be spent on wildlife conservation. They feel that "one animal dies..........so that others can live". They feel that a tremendous amount of money can be gained from one single tag versus a huge number of tags, which benefits game numbers and hunters.


Opponents feel that to take one monster animal out of the gene pool is way too many. They state that it is unfair to whack a trophy animal on the winter range when he is defenseless or during the rut when he is vulnerable. They feel that this is strickly a rich man's hunt, that the common man can't even touch. And hunting shouldn't be a rich man's sport.


What say you?

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I think there are a lot more huge animals out there that people will never see--so i say that the Gov tags are a good idea.

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They actually arent governor's tags in Az. The governor has nothing to do with them. They are from the G&F Commissioners, (call them Governor's tags to a Commissioner, you will be corrected immediately).


There are so many animals that people seldom see, especially in AZ, with the rough terrain, that taking 1 monster will not affect the species. Also, that trophy that is taken has already spread his genes for future generations.

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I personally don't like em. I would be more than willing to pay a little extra on my tag and license fees to make up for the money those "special tags" generate. Or even do them all on a raffle basis so that everyone, not just the wealthy, can have a chance at them.

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This is the '05 Commisioner Raffle Tag Bull. The tag was issued to the R.M.E.F last year and we donated a 5 day fully outfitted hunt to go along with the tag. The opportunity to harvest this bull raised $177,000.00!!! That is the current record for an elk tag in Arizona, and that money stayed here in Arizona to help our Elk and wildlife. THAT IS A GOOD THING, no matter how you look at it! This hunt will be on "Extreme Bulls 3", due out soon. Thanks, JIM


P.S. This lucky C.O. hunter paid $40.00 for this tag, he only bought two tickets! :o



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This is the '05 Commisioner Raffle Tag Bull. The tag was issued to the R.M.E.F last year and we donated a 5 day fully outfitted hunt to go along with the tag. The opportunity to harvest this bull raised $177,000.00!!! That is the current record for an elk tag in Arizona, and that money stayed here in Arizona to help our Elk and wildlife. THAT IS A GOOD THING, no matter how you look at it! This hunt will be on "Extreme Bulls 3", due out soon. Thanks, JIM


P.S. This lucky C.O. hunter paid $40.00 for this tag, he only bought two tickets! :o




What a bull!! Very nice!!

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Everything in moderation......


I don't have a problem with the way Arizona runs the program. Seeing the actual projects that are a result of the money generated has made me a believer. I'm anxious to see what the latest 'super raffle' will result in, but thus far things are looking pretty good.


On another site (I'm sure some of you know which one....) there has been a lot of noise about "to many govenor's tags" being issued in Utah.... Seems like the public opinion up there is that they have gone too far with the auction/raffle tags. I think the perception of these things causing hunting to become a rich man's sport start to occur when the average joe feels like his opportunity is being sacrificed for the sake of the raffle/auction tags. Here in AZ, there are not enough of these tags being issued (yet... :unsure: ) to force this feeling, so most folks in general still feel like the impact on the number of permits is benign. I'm not sure where the line is, but hopefully those who are adminstering the programs in AZ will take note of the political climate in our neighboring states as lessons learned for consideration here. My opinion only!


What say you Chris? You posted the question, but didn't give your own opinion (which puzzles me based on what little I know about you.... ;) ).





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i agree with DEERSLAM.. I think they are crap that edges the average hunter out of the picture and gives the non-hunting pop. a bad image of the hunting community...Why not raffle them off. They would still raise a ton of money and at the same time, give EVERYONE a fair chance to win.. Those Govenor's and Commisioner's tags are a load of crap...

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On another note, I have seen where wealthy "Hunters" have bought some of these tags and payed an outfitter to scout for months. When the outfitter has the animal patterned on it's summer or wintering grounds he makes the call to the "Hunter" who flys in the night before and goes out and "shoots" the animal the next morning. What kinda crap is that! That in no way is HUNTING! :unsure:

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I have no problem with no more then one raffle per species. The auction tag is a bunch of crap.And the only people that would dissagree are the one's that either have the money to pay for them,or make money guiding them.


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First off let me say I know little about these tag so fell free to correct me if I am mistaken on something here.


There is one tag the goes to a raffle winner and another that goes to the highest bidder. OK buy me.


I am lumpped into the "average hunter" group so if I put 10-20 bucks for a raffel ticket and actually won it I could use during a loooonnng season to help fill my dream of getting the big boy. So me and the rest of the thousands of hopefull ticket buyers moneys can very quickly add to do some real good for the game.


To the guys who pay the BIG bucks to win the auction tag..............More power to you! Keep bidding, it is going to a GREAT cause. I sure to a much better one than some of the other things you have spent money on before!


I second Coosefan: "THATS A GOOD THING"



I suppose some of these tags come with outfitter services included and some don't. I know that if I won one of these tags in anyother state other than AZ I would not have the time to do the scouting etc. A guide would be the first thing I would look into. Outfitters need to eat too and just think about all the money that stays in Az aside from the money spent on the tag it self.


I am sure that there are some negatives that I don't know about. But to me they seem to do alot of good.









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I much prefer Arizona's method to Wyoming's. There, governors and commissioners have tags that they can give away to whomever they want. Lately most of their tags have gone to conservation and hunting groups. I'm not certain but I think these groups can keep 100% of the proceeds.


I do know that in about 1984 or so I was sitting next to the wife of country-western singer Hank Thompson at a One Shot Antelope Hunt Banquet in Lander, Wyoming. Across the table was Wyoming governor Ed Herschler. When Ann Thompson complained that she had never been able to draw a bighorn sheep tag, the governor promised to give her one the next year. Whether he actually did I can't say, but I suspect he did.


Although I have no experience there, New Mexico and South Dakota supposedly had governors and commissioners that were able to hand out tags as they wished in those days.


I suppose all states have cleaned up their acts by now.


Bill Quimby

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"The auction tag is a bunch of crap.And the only people that would dissagree are the one's that either have the money to pay for them,or make money guiding them."




Noel, you're wrong buddy. I'm neither a guide nor do I have the $$ to afford the auction tags, but I disagree with you. :unsure:





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You need to change your tag line to read:


"Sarcasm and Button Pushing, Two of The Finer Services I Offer"


Personally I like them, the few commissioners tags offered in AZ have no impact on permit numbers and are not taking away any permits away from any average joe hunter in AZ, they are not figured into the permit numbers at all by the G & F.

The money raised (all of it, every dime ) goes into habitat improvement, habitat restoration, water projects etc., etc. All the money raised by the sheep tag goes for sheep improvements and projects, deer tag money goes directly to deer habitat, etc., elk--elk.

If the money went to buy nicer trucks for G&F or pad the directors wallet, I would feel totally different.

I believe this state has a great program with the few tags that are offered and the benefit far outweighs any negative.

Utah's program is another story where they offer several hundred or more auction and raffle permits and those average hunters are losing permits by the truckload and many of them are pissed, and I believe rightly so.

Way to go CHD you pushed another one of those buttons, but I think you knew you'd get a volatile mixed response, isn't that what you are looking for?


Take er easy

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