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I got a response from the reporter that handles the Governor's desk/state politics. She asked for a phone interview tomorrow which I agreed to do. I wrote and told them of the bill, Wiers contributions, the Governor as Honorary Chairman of the banquet and just how the Commission and 90% of Arizona sportsmen feel about selling our public resource to a special interest group. I exposed Gilstrap and the two new lobbyists as well. PM me any issues you think need to be covered. Thanks.



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Thanks for your effort and time.



Just saw the Channel 3 interview and Weyers. What a phony bag of crap he is. Think he is running for Mayor of Glendale? He is now fighting the bill yet said it needs a lot of work? Good job guys and I hope they interview Brewer next. We are just starting with the first volley.

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I just emailed Yvonne a detailed chronology of every fact on this issue so she can get the drift prior to calling me. I scoured every post on MM and here. I also gave her Robbie Woodhouse and Allen's numbers to contact so heads up.

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Good job on getting in to them! Know you'll do well ...

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Ringer, let me know if you need anything else with the Republic. I golf with one of the editors at the Republic and we talked about this a little bit this morning. He said he will help in anyway that he can. And can get us in contact with the proper people (which sounds like you already have). It sounds like you already have the foot in the door but just in case.

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