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"Wthin 10 days of taking a bear, the hunter shall present the bear SKULL, HIDE, and ATTACHED PROOF OF SEX for inspection. If a hunter freezes the skull or hide before presenting it for inspection, the hunter shall prop the jaw open to allow access to the teeth and ensure that the attached proof of sex is identifiable and accessible."


Part of the new bear harvest procedure found on pg.31 of this years regs.



Does anyone know why they require the hide? And why do they take a tooth?


Anyone know any specifics on this or why so strict now?

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The tooth is sent to a lab were they cut the tooth to determine the age of the bear. Been doing this in CA for some time now.

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That is going to be one smelly check in site after a couple of days. :P

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the tooth requirement has been in effect for years. sometimes they would want one, sometimes they didn't. they use a little premolar that isn't even attached to the jaw. they fall off when you clean the skull anyway. last bear i shot, i called in, in u1. phoned in the kill and that's all they wanted. said i didn't need to send a tooth, even tho the reg called for it. every other bear i've ever shot, they wanted a tooth. even before it was required, i've had em still ask for a tooth. the law states that you are supposed to eat bears. i'm sorta thinking that maybe they are going to make an effort at enforcement. lotsa guys would kill a bear and leave the carcass in the canyon. if you're serious about a rug or other mount tho, skin it in a hurry and get the skull out. bears will sour and slip the hair faster than anything. Lark.

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That makes sense to me, about them trying to keep from having a bunch of headless bodies out there. Infact, I don't think bear is all that bad, lion either, they are not my first choice of meat though.

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