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caught cheating in tournament

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With the big money and prizes at stake in that tournament, I am surprised to see only 3 people in 14 years... Of course, that's caught


My old man has competed in a few of these tournys and they are fun, and they give away money and prizes like its going out of style, which I like!

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Seems odd that a competitor looked in the livewell for unknown reasons and found a fish. Sounds fishy? Be a good way to thin out competition. And woudnt you at lest have a secret spot to hide the fish if you tried it?

Just saying it sounds odd.

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Not odd at all when you walk past a boat before the start of a tourney and the live well is already running.

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Seems odd that a competitor looked in the livewell for unknown reasons and found a fish. Sounds fishy? Be a good way to thin out competition. And woudnt you at lest have a secret spot to hide the fish if you tried it?

Just saying it sounds odd.


Not odd at all. The guy that checked the livewell and found the fish had seen him at Saguaro the day before. Like Jim said it's not hard to hear the livewell running. The dumb a$$ was a well known guide and tournament fisherman too and had won quite a bit of $ in the past.

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Or did he cheat quite a bit of money in the past. Now everything he has ever done is in question.......... my dad told me when i was a kid tow things in this world he hates is LIARS AND CHEATERS....... ME TOO

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I don't know the guy but you have to at least give the guy his credibility until he has officially been investigated and proved he is guilty. I hate cheaters too! I hope he didn't cheat it but it wouldn't surprise me. Oh, one other question when is the last time you walked by someone else's boat and looked in the livewell while it was just running? I know i never have

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It was pretty cut and dry that he cheated. He's guilty. Hang his a$$. Guess I wont make the cut for his jury. That's if they ever get around to filing charges. Supposedly its coming.

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So, did someone look in the guy who turned him in's live well, since he was obviously at saguaro the day before as well?

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Of course not, and I'm not saying this dude isn't guilty, but human nature is to point the finger at someone else to get attention off of oneself.



Not advocating, our defending the alleged cheater at all, I just find it fishy that the guy looked in someone else's boat because he saw him the day before at another lake.

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