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At the inaugural Game and Fish Constituent Group meetig in March, a memeber of the ADA rose to speak. He quoted his mother, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". He then began to chastise those that had spoken out against HB 2072 in very strong terms.

Perhaps this is one reason that the ADA is still affiliated with AZSFW. Perhaps they just don't want to say anything bad about AZSFW or they see money at the end of the trail.

Where would we be today, if we had played nice as some mothers told us to? HB 2072 in some form would be law. And we would be be among the sheep of our society.

The organization that claims to represent thousands of us, did not consult with any of us regarding all aspects of of HB 2072, including the memebership of the ADA. Most organizations they claim to represent were never even approached with the basic concept of the bill. I suspect that a very small cadre were fully aware ot the contnet of HB 2072.



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Leadership will change for the ADA and that new leadership will have a lot of work to get it back to the ADA it once was.


The ADA is not the only group who will struggle because of this--there are several who have AZSFW members who are at the top of the board.


The USA will change leadership and it will also have a lot of work to get back to where it used to be...far fetched? Maybe but it shows when one or two people have an agenda it can tear a group apart at the seems.


It will be a struggle for all of us to move on but move on we must. You do not have to forgive or forget but we do have a lot in front of us that needs the energy spent on this issue and we can not achieve the things that need to be done by beating a horse that may or may not be dead any further.


I would like to see a lot of you at the waterhole project coming this weekend if at all possible. If you need info let me know and we will be there to use this energy on something that WILL make a difference.

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I'm not singling anyone out but we can all sit here and play keyboard jockey activist but how many projects does that get done?


just to put this in perspective -


if not for some "keyboard jockey activists" azsfw would be sitting with 350 taqgs and we'd have a new law 2072 .


if not for some key board activist you'd probably not be so fired up to "From now on, you can find me fighting to get more sportsmen involved in conservation projects, the commission meeting process, predator hunts and youth recruitment."


none of this would have happened !there'd probably be no swsa etc.




just saying!


I've sat here for over a week without continuing on this thread because I said I was done. I have found my genuine reasons for stepping up insulted by someone and I can't sit without responding.


Elkoholic, evidently you include yourself in "keyboard jockey activists" camp. Thats cool.


As for your first statement about guys fighting HB2072. I was one of them. What is a fair estimate of the total number of folks that sent emails... 200... 300? Shoot, I'll give you 1000. I know for a fact thats way, way over the true number but I'll give you that. 1000 sportsmen out of half a million... do you think it was that? Or maybe it was the Cattlemens association. They draw alot more water than 1000 of us. Or maybe it was the NRA? They quietly fought this deal all along. You want to call it a big success that you sit behind your keyboard? Have at it.


Your second comment... and that is a gem by the way. Who do you think you are to presume my reasons for being so fired up? Troy, Travis, Bruce and Dale started the ball rolling on SWSA 4 years ago and I can promise it wasn't because of you and your keyboard. I would have been right in the middle of that deal had it not been for the fact that I was living in Wyoming 1000 miles away.


The internet and these sites are a great tool for communication but if it ends there, which 99% of the time it does, what use is it? I haven't seen you take my challenge on this thread: http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32547


Maybe its because there's nothing to argue about in that thread?


Again, you stay here and argue with the same 10 guys you always argue with, you know where I will be. BTW the 442 project was a great success.


Just saying


BTW, were you bummed out in Buckeye cuz you didn't get to argue with dept? I bet you were but you'll never admit it.





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If we had 300 people writing emails and calling that was probably a very high number to the politicians. They are used to seeing one or two lobbyists and their sponsors. Either way I am grateful for all of the people who got active on this subject even if they do nothing else until the next crisis. I was involved in throwing Taulman out years ago and people from all over got active and helped us to save our state from the greedy pigs. Yes we need more people to get involved and help on projects but any help is better than no help.

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I agree Ringer, I was taking issue with Elkoholics tone with me. He waited till I said I was done with the thread to try and bait me into an arguement. Not cool and fairly chicken you know what. I have zero respect for that. Wait till a guy is walking away then try and call him out ... not cool.


Nothing wrong with using the tools at hand to fight the good fight but if its just the next "drama" for some, which I believe it is, this is just a soap opera. We need to use the nagtive attention to move onto something positive, not draw orgs we do not belong to into useless dialog.


We would have had a much bigger impact had we all joined the opposing orgs and helped them fight. I tried to suggest that very early on but I think it was to no avail. I'm pushing very hard from every platform I can to get more sportsmen involved in the process as a whole. Sitting here and doing nothing but adding to the drama accomplishes little.


I relent though, those on these websites did make a difference. I went too far with that comment.



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i made a comment about your post


no baiting - no argument - waited till you were done !calling you out ! my tone - thats funny


i really dont care if you like my comments or not


as far as the buckeye meeting I WENT TO SEE WHAT WAS HAPPENING






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Gary, go back and read thru the thread and tell me how you would interpret your comment if rolls were reversed. You would have taken it exactly how I did.


And you seem to think my motivation to change things came about because of who??? You or anyone else?


What motivated me to get all "fired" was watching people wring their hands about HB2072 when if they would have been more involved in the first place, it would have never come up. There would not have been the need. And... my passion for desert mulies. Like I said, CWT, MM, TAH are all great tools, but if its a man version of General Hospital, nothing will get accomplished.


Oh and if you need to add "just saying" to the end of any post, you probably should re-think hitting enter.



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The same exacty way they are wringing their hands over the Coconino road closures. Wait till its too late to do something. Same BS apathy. Did you ever hear the ADA position on HB2072? Does it even matter anymre?


I'm out



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