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Proposed Regulation Change

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Anyone seen the proposed regulation changes on NM G&F website?? One of them is dealing with mandatory post-season wildlife survey. It basically says if you drew a elk or deer tag, or held a furbearers or trappers tag and do not do a post-season survey for each, then your application for the next years season will be denied!! What do you all think about this? Hopefully it is not already passed. It shows a beginning date of August 1, 2006.



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I've got mixed feelings about it. I think it would be great for the Game and Fish department to have accurate numbers about the harvest for management purposes. I also like the fact that it should eliminate the paper surveys that they bombard me with even though I sent my orignal survey in. The problem I have is that it can still be inaccurate if people lie about their success or not. It also can lead to more headaches if there is mistakes made in the reporting process and they elimate people from applying next year! That would be really bad. Not to mention the fact if you just plain forget to call! So to answer your question Jeff, I don't know how I feel about it. LOL The best system would be to have game wardens in lots of locations during hunting season and have a mandatory check in. That would be the most accurate way of getting harvest numbers. But no game department has the personel for that.




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With the track history our Dept. has, your concerns over lost or misplaced surveys are well founded; however, its about time something is done to get a grip on numbers. Do you guys realize that fewer than 10% of people who hold a license will report back? I really don't understand why someone won't return a survey, it is afterall, the only way the G&F has of estimating harvest. I support this new regulation and hope it provides enough incentive for people to report back. Hopefully the information will be put to use for the betterment of wildlife management.



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I'll do it.

If I'm literate enough to apply for a big game tag, and big enough to drive a truck, find my around in the woods , shoot a deer and then find my way back home, then I should be competent enough to fill out a little bitty survey.

And the guys that aren't on the ball enough to get 'er done won't be competing with me for my tag next year.

I'm in!


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