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And the Hunt Begins

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Well I am heading out bright and early tomorrow morning for my turkey hunt up on Camp Navajo (Bellemont). I have hunted elk there for the past 4 years and have seen the birds during the elk hunts, hopefull i can trick one into bow range or shotgun range. THe one nice thing about Camp Navajo is that there are certain areas of the post that are archery only, so if i cant find one in the common areas, i'll go in the limited ones. ANyhow, wish me luck!

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Bullwidgeon's grandfather and I went out this morning (he had the tag, I had the truck). We two old farts struck out because the birds weren't gobbling. Some jerk shot near us just before dawn. He apparently had put turkeys to bed in a roost tree and couldn't wait for daylight.



Bill Quimby

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My brother and I went to unit 1 hunting. He had the tag. Anyway at 7:45 am Friday morning I called this tom in for my brother who laid the hammer down on him. He's a two year old bird with about a 7.5 inch beard.





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Very nice, congrats to you and your brother ;)

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Well, i got skunked only had one gobble and that was it. My son and i did manage to catch 14 trout so it wasnt a total loss! Now there is nothing to hunt til Archery season I guess that means i'll have to start knocking things off the Honey-Do list :unsure: :unsure:

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