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AzG&F reports low compliance reporting Archery deer harvest

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I guess I flunked the 04-05 quiz. I promise to do better this year. Was the rule in effect for the 04 season also? If I was lucky enough to get an archery deer in January of 05 I would not of reported it. This makes me feel sick. I guess I will spend more time on the actual regulations and less with the draw odds.


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low compliance whats the difference if its a bow or a gun how does that matter. what are the g&f trying to get at here? the survey reports. big deal you dont have to report a rifle kill just check the box on the survey the same as general.

g&f are just setting us up for more rule changes to justify going to a draw.for what reason is beyond me.

they might be able to limit me on more unsuccessful trips.

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If they do go to a draw for bow, they will lose a lot of money, so unless they can figure out how to recoup the losses it won't happen soon.

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Keith is right. A draw for Archery means one less tag I would buy every year. Of coarse they could double the price of all tags to recoup their losses. I want to keep the hunts the way they are. Please follow the rules and report your bow kills. Successful August archery hunters might have to eat rifle tags that they have drawn if they have no one they can legally sign the tag over to. This is why I am for a more liberal sign over policy. I believe if you tagged out in August Archery you should be able to sign over your Rifle tag that you paid for, but can no longer legally use to any licensed hunter that did not draw a tag.


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I think pushing archery to a draw would be total hypocrisy considering everything they are trying to do this year is to create "Opportunity"


Now if they want a to create few Trophy draw units, great so be it. Let see the Management plan. I would love to see them restore the Kaibab to the point it would be better than CO is. The decision to reduce the does hunts some more is probably a good start.


Bobbyo- Thanks for the response




Good Luck to all this year in the draw.



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Folks, please do not misread what I'm about to say. I am in NO WAY advocating putting any bowhunt on a permit-only basis. I despise any system that tells me and others we cannot hunt.


However, lotteries for archery hunts would allow more individuals to go hunting each year. Archers who bowhunt deer and also draw rifle deer permits are taking opportunities from those who hunt only with rifles. There would be no difference in revenue as long as all permits were sold, which they would be with the paltry numbers of permits now available.


Has anyone at Game and Fish threatened to put deer bowhunts on a permit-only basis?


Bill Quimby

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Someday it will be a lottery for all hunts, but I think at least before the new rules it was possible to draw a rifle tag every year. All you had to do is put in an October tag as your second choice in the 100% draw areas(not 33 and 34A). So forgive me if I don't feel sorry for those who don't draw a tag. In the last ten years I have drawn what some would say are premium Muzzleloader tags, but the other 8 years it was stinky October tags that nobody seems to want. When they eventually move to an archery lottery I will put in for that only if they keep the generous seasons. I am just praying it is not for awhile.


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I received a survey from G&F about 5-6 years ago regarding archery hunting on the Kaibab. At the time, I thought that limiting the numbers of bowhunters was appropriate, as hunting was not enjoyable due to the numbers of hunters, road hunters, and bumping into others constantly while still hunting.


About 4 years ago, Arizona Bowhunters Association convinced the G&F not to put the Kaibab on a draw and to gather harvest data at a hunter check station. G&F thought that the harvest was 1500-2000, but ABA did not believe those numbers. Subsequent surveys showed that only 160-180 deer were taken the next year. An archery stamp was implemented to help fund the Kaibab deer and get a number for how many archery hunters were on the Kaibab. ABA was leary that if the Kaibab was put on a draw, that the draw could spread to the rest of the state. G&F had mentioned extending the permitting to other units such as 1, 27, 9, 10.



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I'm not opposed to an archery draw on the kiabab at all. I would be to any other unit in the state.

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I'm not opposed to an archery draw on the kiabab at all. I would be to any other unit in the state.

I hunt the Kaibab, why would the Kaibab be different than any other unit,(Besides awesome Mulies!!!)

They have a hunter check station @ Jacob lake!!! They get it started there it will go state wide in a matter of time!!!

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"About 4 years ago, Arizona Bowhunters Association convinced the G&F not to put the Kaibab on a draw and to gather harvest data at a hunter check station. G&F thought that the harvest was 1500-2000, but ABA did not believe those numbers. Subsequent surveys showed that only 160-180 deer were taken the next year."


If there were a way to learn exactly how many deer are taken across the state by bowhunters, I would not be surprised if the number were substantially lower than anyone realizes -- especially with whitetails.


The Kiabab is a huge area, and it had lots of access roads to distribute people the last time I hunted there. It is hard for me to believe that a determined hunter couldn't get away from the crowds.



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I've bowhunted the Kiabab for several years and always seem to run into lots of hunters. Most of the deer seem to be concentrated in the higher pines closer to jacobs lake lodge during that time with every waterhole in existence within that area being 10 different hunters "spot". I think the kiabab archery experience would be an even more quality experience if there were an archery draw with very good odds of course. Just my opinion.

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A draw for the Kaibab is wrong!!! Last year on my Kaibab hunt ,I hunted many spots without seeing other hunters. Yes the area around Jacob lake is very popular but there are deer all over the unit, as well as good turkey hunting! One key is to avoid opening weekend which is always crowded, I like to hunt the week days & after opening week the deer start to calm down again. Good planning is all it takes!!!

So I say again , no to a draw on the Kaibab!!!! :angry:

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Ok - Now we all saw this in the 2006-2007 Hunt Regs!!!


Spread the word - it's the real deal- !





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One way the Dept. is getting archery harvest data I think, is from the taxidermist and meat processing reports, talking to people and calling people that purchased archery deer tags. They are writing citations for non-compliance and are very serious about gathering better archery harvest data. You won't lose your license over this but you will have to pay the citation. I think this last year they were somewhat lenient since it is a fairly new requirement that they realize takes time to sink in and reach the public. Not everyone reads the regs. word for word and it may not register even when it is staring them in the face in large letters and BOLD print. The word is out now and friendly honest compliance would be in the best interest of the archery community, otherwise decisions may be made for you that you may not agree with.

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