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Here is what everyone can do TODAY to make a difference and stop HB2072:


Call Andy Tobin--Senate Speaker----602-926-5584


Call Steve Pierce--senate pres. ---602-926-5172


Let their office know you are AGAINST HB2072 or any thing like it that may come up in a "Strike Only" situation.....




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Bad News. Groups in support of HB2072 have access to and are making their pitch to legislators - including TODAY. The behind the scene work is in full swing. Be very much aware AZSFW and beneficiaries/supporters(?) are re-tailoring their sales pitch to hit the buttons of each rep they meet and doing whatever it takes to get the votes they need. Strategic undeclared republicans and democrats are now being hit hard... many probably have no idea the misinformation being fed to them.


A friend of mine spoke with Ruben Gallegos this afternoon and Mr. Gallegos shared that he had met with Bill Supporters earlier in the day. My friend said Mr. Gallegos did listen for a few minutes but in the end he would only say that he was "researching" the issue. This is the same exact wording I have recently heard being used by other reps. BIG RED FLAG... to me "researching" is a code word at this stage of the game. We cannot underestimate the expertise of the AZSFW lobbyist team or the paybacks owed.


We also cannot relax until the 2012 Legislative Session has gone home for the year. Sorry folks - we don't have just a few days to go - so hang on, keep making the calls, keep reaching out, stay on guard, and don't stop until they go home!


p.s. one of the most effective ways right now for legislator/senator contact is to call them and ask to speak with them. Ask them to return your call, and do it all over again at least every day until they follow through. State your concerns, ask their position, ask them for their advice on how to stay on top of this, ask them procedural questions such as what committee could hear this bill if it becomes a striker and who is on the committee, what other reps should I be contacting, etc... that's how I've been learning and trying to pass along what I can.


If you can meet with your rep - praise you and let us know how it goes. Also, don't underestimate the power of educating their staff - as they too can help convey your passion and concerns. Remember the vast majority of people involved with this are decent hard working Arizonan's just like us :) Always be kind - know your mind - act - make your mom proud! ... okay way too tired...

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RING RING RING - NEW INFO: the phone calls going to the Reps are not coming from those who are opposing. It's the Bill supporters who are making the inroads with calls and meetings. It is not just the lobbyist!


Each individual who wants to make a difference needs to act now and continue to act until the session is over.


Contact the Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and members of the committees most likely to hear this bill along with your reps:


Energy and Natural Resources: Pratt and Brophy McGee and members

Military Affairs and Public Safety: Gowan and Proud and members

Agriculture and Water: Jones and Crandell and members


Pierce and Tobin, and Reeves who are key legislators with leverage.


Call these numbers if you want to be directed to their offices:


Arizona House of Representatives

Capitol Complex

1700 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

Info Desk (602) 926-4221


Arizona State Senate

Capitol Complex

1700 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

Info Desk (602) 926-3559

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The only way we are going to win this is out pointing the opposition and changing minds on the legislature.


Continue to call as the opposition is ramping up their efforts as we speak... they aren't doing it for fun or pretend.


We need allies one legislator at a time, that's what they are doing.



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I was told by Steve Pierce's office this morning that he is opposed to the bill as it is written now and that they have received many calls opposing it, she also said that they are keeping an eye out for any strike only's.

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This afternoon is a great time to call. It looks like there are only a couple of meetings on the agenda. Most of the legislators should be available.

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well i finallly got a call back - We need to quit referring to bill 2072


they look it up see weiers dropped it - its no longer on any agenda - we need to focus on the Wildlife Tags for Sale /auction


I had to explain in detail about the tags -


we know the original bill 2072 is dead but we are worried a strikerbill will show-up with wildlfie tags for sale! the wording may be different but it still getting tags from G&F to be sold/ to raise money for different programs to benifit wildlfie ,youth programs -with a private organization in full control of the money


please state G&F is 100% against it ! then what ever you might add!

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Remember most legislators are off Friday's so take advantage of the one day left this week. If not already on the Green list - Call and ask your representative to meet with them if at all possible - get their position(I would be happy to join you if you would like). We must stay diligent until they go home!

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I have been able to make some great contacts that are strongly opposing this bill, these legistators have promised to personally let me know when/if they get wind of this arising again.


stay tuned folks

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Remember to take advantage of Thursday - most legislators are off Friday's.


Make those personal contacts with your representatives and contact the Governor's office asap. If you have already done this do it again - repeat contacts are okay and important to let them know how concerned you are. All the activity that has taken place this week shows we still have a lot of work to do.


Keep reaching out to your friends and families to do the same. Stay diligent until they go home!


Also show your support for the Game and Fish and the North American Wildlife Conservation Model by attending their expo this weekend! Spread the word. Actions speak.

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