COOSEFAN Report post Posted March 5, 2012 This year I bought a predator call for my friends that own one of our ranches in Mexico. In past years there has been an increasing problem with predators on the ranch and the deer herds are being seriously affected by it. They've incorperated several other methods in trying to control the predators and adding predator calling to the mix will only help as long as they stick with it. So, with a new Fox Pro call in hand, I took my buddies out on their ranch and taught them the basics. On the very first stand, after showing them how to set up, how to be quiet and not silhouette yourself, I started the first series of calls and immediately a coyote was running straight at me! I tried to get Fito's (Santos' brother) attention but he had his earplugs in so I lifted the gun and rolled the 'yote at about 60 yards head on! Very next stand, we drove about 1 mile and this time I left my gun in the truck, it was Fitos turn! I sat behind him, pointed out the possible routes critters will take and why, and then started my first series. Again, just like the first, a 'yote came bounding in! I tapped on Fitos shoulder and as soon as he saw the 'yote coming I could tell he started shaking! He lifted the gun and held it on the 'yote until he finally stopped head on at 30 yards...BOOOOM..WHOP!!! The 'yote flipped over at least once in the air with a shot to the head making a very fast and effective kill! Fito was shaking and jumping up and down excitedly, it was his first kill and seeing a predator come in to get him was a huge thrill! On another hunt, I had Santos with me and I wanted to call in pigs for him to shoot with his bow. I had the big gun just in case a lion came in. Shortly after calling the second series, a fox came running in. I tried to get Santos' attention but he couldn't see it and eventually the fox took off. Unfortunately for him he stopped one last time before bailing off a cliff and I was a little trigger happy I shouldn't have shot em' but he was probably one of the culprits for dissappearing chickens at the nearby house, so I felt a little better about it. Here's a new Lion trap set up, it's only been there for a short time so not sure if it's going to work yet. I think it would take a dumb cat to get caught but ya never know, appearantly these traps can be very effective. BTW..the critters can't get to the goat and the cowboys feed and water him everyday! He was bawling like crazy tho so I'm sure it's attracting predators at least. Probably the reason the Lion didn't need to go for the goat was this cow which was fairly close to the trap. We found this cow right after it was killed and buried!!! It was fresh and the Lion worked very hard to do it in the sand but had actually buried most of the cow when we first found it. We could see the marks on the face and neck from where the Lion held on to it when killing it. To say this upset the ranch owner would be an understatement! It took several days for it to come back, but I know this Lion soon regretted eating dinner that night Here's further proof why the predators are needing to be managed, this buck was killed shortly after rubbing his velvet off last September and was found completely buried. Fortunately these ranches still hold some huge bucks and great genetics and in planning for the future by managing predators today I'm excited to see how good these ranches become! JIM> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
COOSEFAN Report post Posted March 5, 2012 BTW...That dead head scored 193" and 34" wide, a young deer with huge potential Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
200"mulie Report post Posted March 5, 2012 very nice. Shoot em dead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites