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2006 Dec. coues hunts

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Let the chips fall where they may. Kudos to Amanda and all of the others who have taken a POSITIVE approach to the issue, organized the troops and I'm sure will make a very respectful, compelling argument for their side to the commission tomorrow. The commissioners backed off of the proposed elk changes, so we all know that they do listen and receive the message. I'm sure they've already gotten the message regarding the opposition to the whitetail change proposals. Just remember, they own the decision and whatever they decide will be where we all have to go. The decision won't make everyone happy, but it will be for the greater good. We all are on the same team, despite our differences in opinion. I just really hope that the personal attacks stop. That serves no purpose. We have to stick together. There are much bigger issues to deal with (like the out of control urban sprawl and development and its impacts on our future hunting opportunities, for example) that this body can throw their political influence at. Amanda, good luck tomorrow..........I'm sure you'll shine. I'm out.


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Well done Doug!

I agree with you totally. Your reasoning on the stratified whitetail hunts is accurate and excellent. I like it! The area I like isn't quite as pockety as 6A, and it doesn't have the easy access (roads on top of all the canyons) like 6A, but the same reasoning would still apply in my unit too.

I'm with you. The statification of the central units isn't all bad, but like you said, the numbers could be evened out a little. And I also agree that 10 days in Oct and/or Nov is gonna result in some dead deer. Like I said before - I don't need a Dec hunt to kill a deer.

Thanks Doug,


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One important issue in this whole situation is sometimes overlooked and that is that the Commissioners sometimes go in a different direction than the AZGFD and us the customers. I truly believe that personal agenda's and politics play substantially more in many of the Commissioners decisions than we as hunters may see. Recent proof is that the commissioners feel/felt that ADA was not a group but only a few people speaking for the whole group. Basically the commissioners are/have discounted ADA's position on a few recent situations which without the help of the Bowhunters group, the recent proposed Elk changes would have went into place. Many of us need to get to the commission meetings and let our faces be seen in addition to emailing and writing letters. Basically what I am saying is just because we respond to internet surveys to the AZGFD and ADA does not mean the Commissioners will go our way, many times we must be at the meetings so they BELIEVE there are truly more people in the various organizations like ADA than just a few vocal people. Hope this made sense.............Allen Taylor.........

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Guest Ernesto C

Excellent Doug,excellent job. Not trying to take away credit from you but I would love to put my signature along with yours and some others on that letter. I'm not as good as you writing such proeffesional letters that go directly to the point.God bless you.


I did my part in a different way but nicely too.


Ernesto C

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You make a good point. Of everything that has happened this year, the thing that saddens me the most is the fact that the Commission, Department and the Customers are not together. We have no team strategy.


We need to ask them if they want the customers to be part of the team.


We need to ask them if they want to make this a team.


I need to know if my passion for the health of the resource is reciprocated by the Commission and the Department.


I would gladly change my strategy of hunting to promote the betterment of all hunting for all of the customers and the betterment of the resource.


It will be a sad day if the Commission or the Department wants to discredit the validity and importance of the 6500 people that took the time to do the deer survey.


I have had many ideas pass through my mind about how we could compromise and get something done tomorrow. I have lost heart thinking about compromise when we are not a team. Only if we become a team will we be able to go forward. I hope we can recognize the value of being a team. It is valuable enough to stop the current recommendations until we unite together as a team and agree on our future.

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You make a good point.  Of everything that has happened this year, the thing that saddens me the most is the fact that the Commission, Department and the Customers are not together.  We have no team strategy.


We need to ask them if they want the customers to be part of the team.


We need to ask them if they want to make this a team.


I need to know if my passion for the health of the resource is reciprocated by the Commission and the Department.


I would gladly change my strategy of hunting to promote the betterment of all hunting for all of the customers and the betterment of the resource. 


It will be a sad day if the Commission or the Department wants to discredit the validity and importance of the 6500 people that took the time to do the deer survey.


I have had many ideas pass through my mind about how we could compromise and get something done tomorrow.  I have lost heart thinking about compromise when we are not a team.  Only if we become a team will we be able to go forward.  I hope we can recognize the value of being a team.  It is valuable enough to stop the current recommendations until we unite together as a team and agree on our future.

I also agree that team work is what we need...Later on in the future maybe thats something we should ALL work on. I also know that Az. is growing fast and its hard to keep everyone happy with a tag in there wallet. But I still don't understand why they propose to create a 10 day Oct. hunt? To me it would make more sense to have two 4 day hunts in Oct. That would bring in even more $, isn't that what this whole ordeal is about.

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It gets pretty tricky trying to talk about all this stuff because you don't know where people are coming from or where they hunt.


If you live or hunt in the southern units, we already have three gereral stratified hunts for whitetail. Adding days to the October hunt down here would have negative results.


If you are thinking about the proposed hunts in the central part of the state, I don't see how you could put 90% of the hunt opportunity in a four day hunt. I think with so many things being proposed this year, many do not really know what is going on.


I don't think the four day thing is the main issue. The main issue is stratifying all of the central whitetail hunts. Those hunts in Oct/Nov are recommended to be 10 days long.


Geeze, it only took me six months to understand this and I am probably wrong.

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It is so much all at once, it is almost impossible to organize for or against all of them together at the same time.

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