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HB2072 - Letter from AZSFW

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So who thunk it up? So far nobody will take credit for it. It only takes a few seconds to see what is going on. A few guys on that are on the boards of all these outfits buy most of the auction tags every year. They've just devised a way to allow them to buy even more tags and actually go over the bag limit each year, legally. They will attempt it again. Probably soon. Lark.

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So who thunk it up? So far nobody will take credit for it. It only takes a few seconds to see what is going on. A few guys on that are on the boards of all these outfits buy most of the auction tags every year. They've just devised a way to allow them to buy even more tags and actually go over the bag limit each year, legally. They will attempt it again. Probably soon. Lark.



They will try again, it's up to us to pay attention and stop it if we don't like it.

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BINGO !! --- we have a winner - this same person is said to run up bids to help wildlfife and guess he could

afford to "BUY" a few tags to help - REPAY those special people who made it possible for the rich guys to have a- "basically" unlimited supply of hunts each year for whatever species they want . rewrite the G&F laws so that these special tags/hunts aren't limited to the "one species per yr LAW!



As for whom is responsable - we have named the BIG FOUR- guess make it 5 when you add the team effort (husband,wife) it's no secret - as for those behind the stall door - we know who they are too- the others whom would be on the list of beneficiaries of money and the advertizement etc.


they will not go silent into the night - but you can bet a dollar they will agin try to backstab - behind closed doors - last minute legislation to gain their goal - oops control!


CONTROL GREED POWER the CPG org will be looking for anyway they can to succeed!


we know who some of the KEY players are - but weiers and boys do have freinds!!

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