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HB2072 - Letter from AZSFW

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I'm sure many of you are on the email list for AZSFW. I received an email from them today (signed by Susanne Gilstrap) that explains their rationale for the legislation and asks for support. It talks in the present tense.


Here is the last "summary" paragraph,


"4.Summary Most of the tags (about 276 of the total) are existing draw tags with special rules giving sportsmen a second opportunity to get drawn separate and apart from the AZGFD draw. Only 54 tags would be reserved for auction, without which we could not raise the money necessary to accomplish the objectives specified in the legislation. In other words, we would be investing in 54 tags a year to help increase our wildlife herd numbers by several thousand. Or we can keep the status quo and continue to reduce the number of permits for sportsmen by approximately 2,000 a year. We respectfully ask for your support in this endeavor."




Sure does not sound DEAD as BPJ said over and over when this thing blew up. Stay alert!

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There's a lot of information in the letter that the summary doesn't mention. I'm on my cell and can't post it though. It still doesn't sit right with me at all what they tried to push through.

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What they are selling is based on what they percieve as factual info to back up thier attempt to hijack the system! We are losing tags based on alot of other issues besides private land access

I believe the #1 issue on losing alot of sportmen in the last few years is ECONOMY IT IS EXPENSIVE TO HUNT! Like its based on harvest declines thats a joke!

Now they want make it more of a rich mans game,Trust me its always about the money. THIS WILL MAKE THE GUIDES VERY HAPPY AND AND THE WEALTHY GUYS.

Then they have the audacity to put tags at our affordable level , raffles at $5 EA.



Elk tags are up for the last 10 years because of pressure by the FOREST SERVICE.The Forest Service quotas have been met and more! Its time to re build!

They will slowly be reducing cow tags to rebuild our elk herds again. Yea more Big Bulls!





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There is a meeting Tuesday/tomorrow night at Bass Pro........6:00. The meeting is with Arizona Deer Association to discuss issues like HB207. Please Please attend this meeting. At least CouesWhitetail people are going.............We are getting there early and meeting at the resteraunt in bass pro at 5:15.............Hope to see you there............Allen Taylor...........

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Below is an email sent out by Pete Cimellaro - Chef



Mon, 20 Feb 2012


To All: I know all of you are not on the AZSFW email list. Those of you who are, and have read the letter below,

can disregard this email, or better yet, forward it to someone you know does not get it.



Unfortunately with the Blow-Up over HB 2072, we never did get to discuss the merit of what was being proposed

and why it was being proposed. Yes, the manner in which the legislation was handled was at best foolish and

perhaps even stupid. The outcry from active, engaged sportsmen and women was justified and certainly to be

expected. However, now that AZSFW has had their bashing, I would like all of you to read below why AZSFW

says they were attempting to pass this legislation. The information presented in this letter should be alarming

to all sportsmen and women. To those of us who are passionate about wildlife and our hunting and fishing

heritage, this is not something we can dismiss! If we choose to focus only on bashing the supposedly bad

people who tried to pull one over one us; then the really bad people, the extremists who want to end what we

enjoy will clearly be the winners.


I am biased, admittedly so, because for almost twenty years I have fought to engage sportsmen and women in all

phases of wildlife management. This effort includes politics because this is unfortunately where most wildlife

management begins and ends. I learned this in the fight to preserve trapping in both 1992 when we won at the

ballot box and in 1994 when we got our heads handed to us. Both then and now the Arizona Game & Fish Department

was and is restricted from being involved in political campaigns. While the Commission voted to support our efforts

the expertise and resources of the agency had to be withheld. The same would happen today! You cannot expect

the Arizona Game & Fish Department to be our saviors in any political issues. They have their own agenda and

are restricted in how they can participate. Sportsmen and women must stand up for themselves and be prepared

to be both proactive and defensive in the protection of hunting, fishing, and wildlife management.


I am also biased because of my past direct association with AZSFW. As a founder of AZSFW, I am a believer

in why we formed the organization. I know well the people who are involved and they are passionate about

preserving wildlife, hunting and fishing for all of us. I am also dang mad that they did not see what they were

doing would be viewed by most active sportsmen as an assault. This clearly has diminished their ability to function

and be successful at what is so important to all of us. They need to rethink how they are doing business and

rededicate themselves to actively working with sportsmen and sportsmen conservation organizations.


Sportsmen also need to accept a more positive role in this process. So far what I have seen is people only

taking shots at AZSFW while not advocating for a coming together to create a better working relationship

among organizations and individuals. I have seen so much misinformation, inflammatory language, and implied

threats, etc. that I am embarrassed for all of us sportsmen. Active sportsmen are the key to the defense of hunting

and fishing and we all must recognize this and be a part of that defense.


It's up to you, you can continue the rhetoric or work in earnest to be part of a much needed solution.

Let's try to bring all of us together to address issues that are about to bury us.



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Pete-I remember when you were hired by Don to start AZSFW and at that time some of us knew that we would eventually get to the tag grab. Well, whether you were involved or not it is obvious we got there and it was a crude and dark attempt. If these tags were such a great thing for the Arizona family hunters then why would they have not had an open discussion on this forum? You know that Arizona was scarred from the USO suit and we will never allow any organization to take control of our G&F or force their will through the politicians. I agree there is plenty of work to do for wildlife and hunting but I don't see it happening through 350 tags to sell and raffle. You think it was a good idea to override our game laws and allow multiple kills on the same species in a year? That bill was a joke and you can bet the majority of hunters here are never going to support any form of it in the future. Good luck in your future endeavors.

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Same crap trying to pass the buck - it wasn't me - bunch of


your are as guilty as the rest - why wait this long - why wait a month - where were you when BPJ was doing all the talking for you and azsfw - what a joke another insulting letter - thinking we do not know what is good for Arizona wildlife but they do! Still dwelling on the past - we did this for you.

yes some good things were accomplished - till ya got greedy!


now lets rethink and work together - is the pain still in your back ?? sorry about that -guess it just skidded off the ribs a bit - you moved -- no real harm done!

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I received a newsletter from (AZSFWC) Ms Gilstrap stating this:


Some of our members recently expressed concern with some proposed legislation, HB 2072. However, AZSFWC did not sponsor HB 2072, nor introduce HB 2072. We did hear an overview of the bill at our December Board meeting, and the Board voted to support the concept. We viewed the benefits as presented for sportsmen and women, youth, access and wildlife, not to mention Arizona's economy, as very positive.


I guess I get confused becasue there are statements from AZSFW and AZSFWC and they aren't always the same. I understand they are different organizations with different goals, but aren't many of the players the same?

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I received a newsletter from (AZSFWC) Ms Gilstrap stating this:


Some of our members recently expressed concern with some proposed legislation, HB 2072. However, AZSFWC did not sponsor HB 2072, nor introduce HB 2072. We did hear an overview of the bill at our December Board meeting, and the Board voted to support the concept. We viewed the benefits as presented for sportsmen and women, youth, access and wildlife, not to mention Arizona's economy, as very positive.


I guess I get confused becasue there are statements from AZSFW and AZSFWC and they aren't always the same. I understand they are different organizations with different goals, but aren't many of the players the same?



Not only do they have many of the same players but start checking to see who is on the board of the different organizations that are listed as members of AZSFW.

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I received a newsletter from (AZSFWC) Ms Gilstrap stating this:


Some of our members recently expressed concern with some proposed legislation, HB 2072. However, AZSFWC did not sponsor HB 2072, nor introduce HB 2072. We did hear an overview of the bill at our December Board meeting, and the Board voted to support the concept. We viewed the benefits as presented for sportsmen and women, youth, access and wildlife, not to mention Arizona's economy, as very positive.


I guess I get confused becasue there are statements from AZSFW and AZSFWC and they aren't always the same. I understand they are different organizations with different goals, but aren't many of the players the same?



Not only do they have many of the same players but start checking to see who is on the board of the different organizations that are listed as members of AZSFW.


They sound like poo poo salesmen with a mouth full samples.

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I received a newsletter from (AZSFWC) Ms Gilstrap stating this:


Some of our members recently expressed concern with some proposed legislation, HB 2072. However, AZSFWC did not sponsor HB 2072, nor introduce HB 2072. We did hear an overview of the bill at our December Board meeting, and the Board voted to support the concept. We viewed the benefits as presented for sportsmen and women, youth, access and wildlife, not to mention Arizona's economy, as very positive.


I guess I get confused becasue there are statements from AZSFW and AZSFWC and they aren't always the same. I understand they are different organizations with different goals, but aren't many of the players the same?



Not only do they have many of the same players but start checking to see who is on the board of the different organizations that are listed as members of AZSFW.


Many have called this an incestuous relationship for years. Members of the various organizations never get to vote for the boards or the president of the group, they are "appointed" by current board members. It grows more and more ingrained and isolated from the general hunting public.

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kinda like our voting - to be quite honest - your and my vote really mean nothing - if the officials on the baords- /directors have the final say - you have to change the board - the greenies learned this yrs ago and now they sit in the positions of POWER.


same with azsfw they have weaseled and used thier 5 -6 yrs to get into position to complete thier goal - CONTROL!!

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I actually pulled a few Board members lists/ Board of Govenors list yesterday:



Chris Denham-AZSFW---ADA----outdoorexperience for all

Floyd Green-AZSFW---ADA---AZSFWC

Todd Hulm-AZSFW--AAF

Alan Hamberlin-AZSFW---AZSFWC


John Kolezar-AZSFWC--ADA

Pete Cimellaro--AZSFW--ADA--AAF



Also, I didnt do tons of research, but Big Game Forever is something that should really be looked into. Don Peay founded it and I believe AZSFW is a partner. Don Peay founded SFW and in spite of our AZSFW "not being affiliated", Don Peay was down here making the rounds when AZSFW opened up, and Big Game forever/SFW consults with groups like AZSFW. Dont want to make up a "conspiracy theory" so much as point out that there is so much cross connections that it makes your head spin......You be the judge and do your own research..........Allen Taylor..........

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azsfwc is not connected to azsfw... a per azsfwc leadership... azsfwc would put on the expo and collect the tag money from 2072... azsfwc does not support 2072... would accept 300+ worth of tag money... including giving a portion to a political lobby's (azsfw) effort to fight the anti's... azsfwc is not connected to azsfw or supports 2072.


Step forward citizen, stay in line... your next assimilation will be in 'countdown' 42 minutes... step forward citizen...



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