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Legislative bill to create 10% NR cap

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In case you aren't aware there have been some sportsmen pushing for a legisative bill that would provide for the 10% cap on Nonresident tags. The bill recently made it through the state house and senate and now the governor will sign or veto it. Some of the AGFD commissioners oppose the bill because they feel it is unneccessary to have a state statute protecting that cap. But many sportsmen feel that more protection is needed based on what happened to the 10% cap in the recent past.


I have attached a letter that explains a little more about the bill and below is a letter from Pete Cimellaro asking people to contact the governor about the bill.


Good News: This afternoon the full Senate voted on HB 2127,( the 10%nonresident permit cap and resident hunter protection bill).


Final Senate vote 20 votes YES, 9 votes No, one did not vote.


Final House vote was 47 votes YES, 8 votes NO, five did not vote


In the next few days the bill will be sent up to the Governor for signing. I think it is safe to say we do not know what the Governor will do.


At this point three Commissioners continue to oppose the bill. Last week Mr. Golightly said they will continue to oppose it, no matter how many sportsmen support it. This includes asking the Governor to veto the bill.


Below is the Governors web address and phone number.

If resident sportsmen want this legislation signed by the Governor, they need to let her know they support it. Please don't delay do this now.


Ask Her to SIGN HB 2127 and protect resident hunting opportunities.


Go to Governor Janet Napolitano's website www.governor.state.az.us

Then go to the left side of the home page to: Contact the Governor


Governor's office number 602-542-4331


Please do not delay, contact the Governor immediately. Protect resident opportunity to hunt in Arizona.




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IMO, the reason they oppose it because of the price difference between res / nr tags. They want to have the option to issue more NR tags if funds become too low.


Follow the money.

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Thanks Amanda, E-mail sent.

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This one is causing a lot of confusion amongst hunters resident and non-rsident alike. Did the Commission pass the 10% cap for all lottery issued big-game hunts and on a per unit basis as Mr. Cimellaro says? Looking at G & F site does not give clear answers. It appears that the Commission originally considered this form but then reverted to the old caps on bull elk and deer north of the Colorado River. Hope you can clear this up for me and others.


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Good question Lee. I believe the 10% cap applies to all permits by hunt number, not just north of the CO river.


Here is the wording in the rule change by the AGFC:


The Department shall not make available more than 10%, rounded down, of the total hunt permit-tags in any hunt number to nonresidents for antelope, antlered deer, bull elk, javelina, or turkey. If a hunt number for antelope, antlered deer, bull elk, javelina or turkey has ten hunt permit-tags or fewer, no more than one hunt permit-tag will be made available to a nonresident, except that if a hunt number has only one hunt permit-tag, that tag shall only be available to a resident.



I found this language in the PDF of the actual rule which is on AGFD website. It says the effective date for the rule change is march 11, 2006.


Here is the link to the page for that:





Let me know if you have some other info that doesn't seem to mess with that.



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Thank you. I looked everywhere but there on the G & F site. Now I am torn. As much as half of our deer camp have been guys from out of state who love to hunt coues and now it may be darn difficult for them to get drawn on some hunts. I think we may have gone a little too far. I sure won't put any out-of-state guys on my application! Bummer.


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thanks for the headsup and the info Amanda. so the house and senate voted 20-9 and 47-8, aye. the Az. sportsman population is probably 80% in favor of this (and i would bet a lot, that it's higher than that) and our esteemed comission is against it? and they're gonna try to get mr. napalitano to veto it? man, it is really time for a total overhaul of the azgfd. this is real disturbing. if they pull this off, everyone really needs to get into this. maybe we oughta have a march downtown. really. Lark.

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