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A second term for Obama will mean a more liberal Supreme Court. If that happens, the Second Amendment is toast with or without Congressional or Public Support. Bank on it.


Obama can do a lot more than you think by Executive Order. He can't abolish the Second Amendment, but he can do a lot of other things to make the guns you own paperweights.


Don't let the media fool you into thinking that Romney or any other candidate can't beat Obama. That is what those liberal jerks want you to think. They want you to stay home on election day.

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Within the constitution there are very few enumerated powers to the President (executive), the congress (legislative) and the supreme court (judicial). VERY FEW. I think in total it is 32 powers with most of those being in the congress. The executive branch has something like 6 enumerated powers within the constitution.


There are hundreds of things the President Obama "can't" do that he has already done and no one did anything to stop him. This last week alone he made an "announcement" (aka- a new law), that forces insurance companies to provide contraceptive services to women for FREE. Days earlier it the "announcement" aka law, was that the companies were going to be forced to do it. Of course after the back lash,etc. He changed his "announcement" aka law to say that the burden would be on the insurance companies. As president, he "CAN'T" do any of that, but he did.


In a second term, any back lash will mean nothing to him, he will do whatever he wants and whatever we allow him to do.


"the president can't abolish the second amendment" , per the constitution, I agree. Will he try? Probably.


My only hope is that when the edict comes out that guns are illegal that Americans won't line up in the hundreds of thousands (like in England and Australia) and hand their guns to the government. I know that would not happen here and I think Obama knows that that wouldn't happen here either.


We just have to be a lot more involved and vigilant. The president, congress and judicial "can't " do a lot of things. In fact they are only able to do very few and specific things, per the constitution. But we all know that everyday they do a lot of whatever the heck they want. In an interview at CPAC, Daniel Hannan, Member of the European Parliament, warned Americans not to follow the same path Europe has taken, and urged Americans to "make your rulers remember they are not rulers but representatives." He could not be more right.

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