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A question about food and movement

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I've had my trail cams on a spot for quite some time. Some of you have seen pics. I was getting a lot of traffic in the fall from both does with fawns and bucks. Now I'm not getting much of anything. The area is pine trees surrounded by thick Manzanita. Do deer eat manzanita? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of vegetation in the pines other than a few little patches of edible green. What would cause this major change in movement?

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do you have the cameras set up on a trail leading to water? probably less water useage this time of year. same might apply to salt.

a good freeze may have killed their forbs, so they may have moved/changed the travel routes.

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The spot where I am at just had some pretty good snow. It's all gone now. I am using salt to just help them get the nutrients that are not available otherwise...or at least not as abundent. My setup has always been on salt in a little saddle. The water is in a creek about 150 yards away....the only water source in the area. The creek is only wet in a few spots. The snow could have done it but I'm not sure.


The only other source of food (in my opinion) that they would have is the manzanita.


Thanks RED

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Yes, Coues deer eat manzanita. And my guess is the shift in behavior is most likely related to changes in what is available for them to eat. With the recent rains/snows there may be some plants greening up nearby that weren't available previously. Or, perhaps they just aren't as interested in your salt this time of year.



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Thanks Amanda. Do animals crave different minerals at different times of the year? I would assume so based on the different types of foriage they can get to fill their diet.

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