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Regrets of the Dying

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My old man must have missed the regret part. He died hard but never really complained about missing much. I drowned in Alaska in 1982 and I mean I was seeing lights. It felt awesome right at the last part. Haven't worried much about dying since then. I work my rear of to help my kids and stay close to my friends. Going up to Alaska for my 27th trip to fish this summer so I have done a lot of things I wanted to. Hope to make it a few more years to see my grandson become a man and then I can check out at any time. I spent a few days and nights in the hospice with my dad and that was just crazy. Heard my old man talking to a dead uncle just like he was in the room and same with the 89 year old lady across the hall talking to her father. Hope I go quick.

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When I die I want to go peacefully, in my sleep, like my Grandfather. Not screaming like everyone else in the car.



Lark, Bill - I changed my work a little late in life, but now I look forward to going as it is in the outdoors. The only thing I miss from my old life are the paychecks, but not as much as you would think (except when I want to trot down and buy a new Kimber or Custom Shop SW 1911).


Thats a good qoute! Iam going to borrow it if that is o,k?

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Thanks Chef, that was a great post. I'll have to PM you the details but it's funny how little miracles happen in life - your post was just that for me. Too personal and too complicated to drag out in public but I hope to PM you about it.

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1328891739[/url]' post='294392']

When I die I want to go peacefully, in my sleep, like my Grandfather. Not screaming like everyone else in the car.



What a great way to lighten up a deep post.laugh.gif




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I find some inspiration in the reported last words of Steve Jobs. He's a man who lead an amazing life, not just in being a success in business, but in really impacting the world we live in. It's reported that his last words were, "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow"...makes you wonder what he was seeing as he made that final transition.

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Thanks Chef, that was a great post. I'll have to PM you the details but it's funny how little miracles happen in life - your post was just that for me. Too personal and too complicated to drag out in public but I hope to PM you about it.


I received your PM. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.

You are a blessed man.

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