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Mazatzal wilderness.

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We'll on my way home from Payson kept lookin at the mountains to the westt of rye. I found out its the Mazatzal wilderness area in 22. Doesn't look like there is any roads into it either, so backpack hunting I assume. Just curious if anyone has hunted it?

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I live in Payson and I hunt that area all the time. There is lots of roads running thru the area, but when you go up to the actual wilderness area, zero roads. Lots of fun but don't go in there if you ain't in good physical shape, 2 people died in there just last year alone. Every kind of animal you can imagine is there elk, deer, javi's, lion's, bear's, and sheep, loads of fun

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There is good trail from the Az access: http://www.aztrail.org/passages/pass_23.html


The willow fire in 2004 did a number on the wilderness, look for green up areas. Go prepared as you may not see another person out there.



Great Az backccountry if you ask me with some nice deer. You will have solitude :)



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...and lots of lions... most find deer numbers low due to the unchecked lion numbers... all the Big Tom Lions that are still taken in central and northern 22 come out of there... the wilderness areas provide no reasonable access to hunt the big cats. The wildernesses and state parks around the state are what provide AZ with endless big cats. ;)

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I've hunted in there for several years. It is very rugged country and seems to generate it's own nasty weather, so you must be prepared and in good shape. The lower foot hills are most accessible, with some roads and hiking trails. The higher you go in elevation, the mountains/canyons get steeper/deeper/taller. You can spot a decent buck across a canyon, but can't get to him. I was in there Monday and got snowed on...wore three coats all day. I love the ruggedness and remoteness of it. Not a ton of deer in there, but seem to be increasing a little each year. Over the coming years, the manzanita and catclaw will make a lot of it unhuntable. To the list of wild animals in those mountains, I will add pot growers...so I've heard but not witnessed.

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Yall don't see a lot of deer in that area?? when we go, we see about 20 deer every time but like you said you will see deer just cant get to them

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One of my favorite places to hunt, killed a few critters in the Mazatzals, better be in shape, dedicated and able to shoot a long ways , spent 3 days packing out my boys bull few years back

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The best access road in there is closed, due to the recent fire. I hear it will closed until spring....if it ever opens again.

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