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Good Hunt in Sonora

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I returned from another good hunt in Sonora yesterday. It was hot during the day but the nights cooled off. The bucks were not in the rut for the first few days but it started to pick up as the week went on. The full moon probably didn't help much either.


I spent the first couple of days hiking around and found a few small bucks but nothing I wanted to shoot.





My hunting buddies had filmed a buck that was a 5 x 3 with a split eyegaurd but wasn't what they were looking for. Hector took me in after that buck the next day but as soon as I saw a 4 point walk into range I told Hector I was going to shoot. I shot over him on the first shot but luckily he didn't run off and my second shot put him down for good. Thanks Hector for all your help.



I also want to thank Phil, Jim, and Mike. I had a great time and Justo and his family really took care of us.



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Awesome Keven! Glad you had a good hunt down there!


I'll look forward to some more stories from Hector when he returns! :)







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The other guys are doing fine but holding out for bigger bucks. Mike killed his the day after mine. I don't know how he can get around in those old tennis shoes. I will try to post a pic of his buck a little later. There are plenty of bucks being seen just not the caliber Hector, Phil ,and Jim are looking for. I know a couple of lions have been spotted so maybe that has something to do with it.

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Sweet bucks, and huge congrats to you. Hunting Mexico is definately something I need to experience. Thanks for sharing the story and pictures.

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A 4x4 Keven?!?! You dog man! That's so awesome. Sure miss huntin with you guys down there. Those guys are great company for sure! Congrats man!

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Nice job Kevin!!! Looks like you guys are off to a good start this year. Our group is spending the night at Jim's house tonight and crossing the border first thing in the morning. Hopefully the Mexico board is filled with lots of big buck pictures and fun stories when we get back on the 26th.


My favorite time of year is finally here :D

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