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HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

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Rep. Weiers is a strong supporter of sportsmens issues.....I think voting him out is a really bad idea. yes, this bill is not one of his best and is highly controversial, but he himself pulled it to get more input from sportsmen in order to craft the best bill possible. Now I can't answer as to why he didn't get the input to start with but really, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Please review his record and make a decision on his history of service. Have we become such knee-jerk reactionists that there is no room for working with someone who made a poor decision? Does everyone on the planet have to be perfect and if they make a mistake you just destroy them?


He is the one that sponsored the bill that got us a sportsmen based commission to review and recommend commission candidates to the governor. he has also worked on the wildlife conservation plate and other sportsmen issues. These are all huge positives.


It seems to me you are fighting the wrong enemy.


from his website:

Representative Jerry Weiers is a State Representative from Arizona representing Arizona’s finest District, district 12. He was first elected in 2004. He, along with his brother, Jim Weiers, became the first brothers in Arizona history to serve in the House of Representatives at the same time.


He is chairmen of the AZ House of Representatives Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee, as well as a member of the National Conference of State Legislatures Military Sustainability Taskforce. He also serves as a board member for the Phoenix Air National Guard Patriots (PANG Patriots).


Helping Veteran’s and military personnel has been a priority to him since first elected in 2004. Currently, he, is working on a project with Military and Law Enforcement Agencies to help Veterans reintegrate to society after returning from active duty tours. Another project he is working on is a Life Line system for Veterans providing them with contact information for organizations that specifically help them.


He is an avid outdoorsman and is the President of Arizona Legislators for Wildlife, and a Four year member of the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses. He is also a life member of the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society, a life member of the Arizona Elk Society and a life member of the Arizona Antelope Foundation.


view more of his record:


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I repeat: let's save our energy to vote out our real enemies. I'm sure there are more than one or two of them in our state legislature.


Bill Quimby

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And the meeting you are talking about is open to board members of the sportsmens groups. If you want your voice to be heard, I suggest you contact whatever sporstmen's group you belong to and give them your opinion. And as I emailed around to everyone in the forum, I will be attending and will be sharing the views you guys are expressing in this thread.



Thank You I'm also on the stop this legislation in it's tracks bandwagon. The existing system for Gov. tags and Super raffle are just fine.

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That is exactly what we need to do. If he is that involved in hunting he must know how the majority of hunters feel about opening our big game management to political influence. We said no landowner tags and no tags for SFW so he deserves what he gets. He is exactly the type of politician Peay and the SFW would target for help.

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yeah...let's run the guy out of office so he can be replaced with a gun grabbing, bunny hugging, wolf lovin, condor petting, granola muncher.



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he dang sure needs to know how folks feel. this bill and anything like it needs killed head cut off, graveyard dead so it doesn't come back as a rider on another one or some other underhanded deal. i really have a hard time with the fact that so called sportsmen tried to do this to everyone of us other sportsmen.


i'm thinkin' bonuspointjohn needs to sign up for dancin' with the stars or do you think you can dance. he won't even need a partner. he can just dance around the isssues. Lark.

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I remember back when USO was trying to get landowner tags here, I helped pass out over 1000 boycott USO bumper stickers, and 250 boycott USO t-shirts. I might just have to get some "Boycott AZSFW" stuff printed up...


Just last year, I was in NM, near Reserve, and saw one of the bumper stickers stuck to the back of a forest service sign... Damm those things last a long time.

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To AZLance, elkoholic .270 and others. Rep Jerry Weiers is the ONLY legislator who we have been successful working with. As an avid outdoorsman, he tries his best to see the positive aspects of anything that is presented to him. He asks intelligent questions and he viewed the current bill as 300 raffle tags for everyman and 50 auction tags that would pay for access, education, our lobbyist and youth programs. BUT... you have decided to become judge jury and executioners. OK... here is a list of people that have tried unsuccessfully to remove Weiers in the past. Sandy Bahr, Sierra Club, Stephanie Nichols Young, Animal Defense League, Rep Daniel Patterson staunch advocate for the CBD and absolutely against lion removal from the Kofa's. They are absolutely thrilled to get your support and would welcome any donations to remove Weiers. Please bear in mind that if successful, there will not be a single legislator who will touch a hunter/sportsman/wildlife issue. We will certainly show how powerful we are by removing the guy when he made one bad choice (your opinion) and to heck with all the good things that he has done in the past. Yep, sounds like a great idea to me... but heck, what do I know, I'm off dancing with the stars

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The pain in my back from the knife Weiers has put there is still hurting... :angry: Weiers is not the only fish in the sea... and neither is AZSFW!


BonusPointJohn, any luck tracking down those finaincial records, or board member names yet? Or are you too busy working on your dance moves?

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I don't know if the fact he is the only one that would work with you is a good thing. Might be a good reason other folks wouldn't. Lark.

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I stated he needs a wake up call -if my comments single out weiers - well his name is on the bill


Jerry Weiers is the ONLY legislator who we have been successful working with. As an avid outdoorsman, he tries his best to see the positive aspects of anything that is presented to him. He asks intelligent questions and he viewed the current bill as 300 raffle tags for everyman and 50 auction tags that would pay for access, education, our lobbyist and youth programs. BUT...


those are great points - ok - I agree with you- BUT- the negatives out weigh the positives in this bill


which have been pointed out in numerous responces --



John - do you see the negatives in this bill as it was presented and how it was handled?


why are you speaking for him - isn't it possible for him to address us here?

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The pain in my back from the knife Weiers has put there is still hurting... :angry: Weiers is not the only fish in the sea... and neither is AZSFW!


BonusPointJohn, any luck tracking down those finaincial records, or board member names yet? Or are you too busy working on your dance moves?

I am not a board member of the AZSFW, but I will be requesting that information at next Tuesday's meeting. The financial records would probably surprise even you Lance...That group has never taken a dime from sportsmen for all the work they have done in 5 years. they are NOT paid, they were required to pay enormous sums of money to get the AZSFW off the ground. I know that other than Capitol Consulting (our lobbyist)no one else takes any money. The board member names will be addressed shortly, but most were correct, except for Nick. Sorry, gotta run to my dance lessons...

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I stated he needs a wake up call -if my comments single out weiers - well his name is on the bill


Jerry Weiers is the ONLY legislator who we have been successful working with. As an avid outdoorsman, he tries his best to see the positive aspects of anything that is presented to him. He asks intelligent questions and he viewed the current bill as 300 raffle tags for everyman and 50 auction tags that would pay for access, education, our lobbyist and youth programs. BUT...


those are great points - ok - I agree with you- BUT- the negatives out weigh the positives in this bill


which have been pointed out in numerous responces --



John - do you see the negatives in this bill as it was presented and how it was handled?


why are you speaking for him - isn't it possible for him to address us here?

Rep Weiers did remove the bill, but he is scheduled for surgery in a few days. I will ask that he respond, but I would suggest a modicum of respect for him. Trashing me is fine, but Jerry is a really good guy who has guaranteed a lot of good things for sportsmen. I would hope that he could get a measure of respect and let him explain his position on the bill.

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The pain in my back from the knife Weiers has put there is still hurting... :angry: Weiers is not the only fish in the sea... and neither is AZSFW!


BonusPointJohn, any luck tracking down those finaincial records, or board member names yet? Or are you too busy working on your dance moves?

I am not a board member of the AZSFW, but I will be requesting that information at next Tuesday's meeting. The financial records would probably surprise even you Lance...That group has never taken a dime from sportsmen for all the work they have done in 5 years. they are NOT paid, they were required to pay enormous sums of money to get the AZSFW off the ground. I know that other than Capitol Consulting (our lobbyist)no one else takes any money. The board member names will be addressed shortly, but most were correct, except for Nick. Sorry, gotta run to my dance lessons...



Wonder why anyone would pay ENORMOUS sums of money to get the organization launched here? Anyone who has run a business and worked with the political side understands SFW is in it for one thing and that is to break the back of our AZ tag rules. So we need to support some lobbyist who is getting to politicians like Weiers so you can get the job done? Unbelievable and I will donate to whoever runs against Weiers in the primary.

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I stated he needs a wake up call -if my comments single out weiers - well his name is on the bill


Jerry Weiers is the ONLY legislator who we have been successful working with. As an avid outdoorsman, he tries his best to see the positive aspects of anything that is presented to him. He asks intelligent questions and he viewed the current bill as 300 raffle tags for everyman and 50 auction tags that would pay for access, education, our lobbyist and youth programs. BUT...


those are great points - ok - I agree with you- BUT- the negatives out weigh the positives in this bill


which have been pointed out in numerous responces --



John - do you see the negatives in this bill as it was presented and how it was handled?


why are you speaking for him - isn't it possible for him to address us here?

Rep Weiers did remove the bill, but he is scheduled for surgery in a few days. I will ask that he respond, but I would suggest a modicum of respect for him. Trashing me is fine, but Jerry is a really good guy who has guaranteed a lot of good things for sportsmen. I would hope that he could get a measure of respect and let him explain his position on the bill.




just an fyi, I personally invited Rep Weiers to come here and address concerns when I spoke with him on the phone the other day. I also emailed him the link to this discussion so he could read it himself. As John mentioned he is having shoulder surgery very soon and with all the many things he has to do I don't know that he has time to come argue here in this format any time soon. But you can of course call or email him and voice your opinion or schedule a meeting with him.

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