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Graham Ranch

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Anybody know where the Graham Ranch is, in 24A??

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I live in Globe and I have never heard of Graham Ranch. I could be wrong because I don't know all of the ranches around here but I know of most because my dad and grandpa have ranched in this area for many years. Could you possibly be thinking of Grantham Ranch out on Hwy 70?


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Your probably right if its in 24A, How about some general directions, I would like to scout it out next weekend...any snow on the Pinal Mts?


thanks for your help..


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It is in 24A. You need to go through Globe like you are headed to SanCarlos /Safford/Tucson. When you are in Globe you are on Hwy 60. As you head toward SanCarlos/Safford/Tucson the road turns into Hwy 70/77(just past Taco Bell). A mile or two outside of Globe(past the last Circle K in Globe) the Hwy splits. To the left is Hwy 70 (towards SanCarlos/Safford.) You want to go right at this split towards Tucson on Hwy 77. After you turn up 77 Granthams Ranch is on the left hand side of the Highway a few miles up. To your right will be the foothills of the Pinals. I have seen pigs on both sides of 77 all the way to the pass at ElCapitan. I asume you are scouting for pigs. You just need to be patient when glassing these areas becase the brush is usually taller than the pigs are.

Yes the Pinals have snow and we are supposed to get a couple of inches of snow in Globe tomorrow!

Good Luck.


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Thanks for the info..Apprecaited.

Are there any game processing outfits in the Globe area?..thx again.

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Your welcome for the info, I hope it helps. There is a place called Country Natural Cuts in Globe. A friend of mine named Nick Rogers is the co-owner. They cut up my father-in-laws elk last year and did a great job. The number is: 928-425-9646. If you call him tell him Travis sent you. They are the only ones I

know around here but there could be more. Good luck!


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I was up there saturday manage to see a couple of pigs..it's not going to be easy...I also saw some healthy whitetail doe the gene pool looks better up in that area than down south (34A)..thx..for the phone #...

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I scored..thx..for info...




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