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My Second Coues Buck

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I shot him November 27th. So heres the story....


Day one:We only saw 7 doe.

Day two:we saw 19 deer in total and one possible buck.

Day three:So we were running late and i was a little mad because i figured we wouldnt see anything. So we got to a gate and i got out to open it and my dad was yelling there they go so i grabbed the rifle and picked them up and they went into a cut so i couldnt see what they were. Then we got through the gate and got to our spot and got our packs on and started the hike as we got to a good glassing area we were about to sit down and i heard something behind be and looked back and there this buck was running like a bat out of heck. So i put the crosshairs on him and pulled the trigger and didnt hit him so i shot again and he dropped so i waited for a little bit and he got back up and started running so i grabbed my dads rifle and shot and he dropped again. So we watched him and he didnt get up so i walked up to him and there was only one hole. So i figured i hit him on my second shot and he just died as i shot the third time. So on the drive out we got to the gate again and i saw 3 deer so i looked in my binoculars and they were doe so i assume those were the same ones we saw on our way in. Then we got into a wash and saw 2 guys in a rhino and we stopped and started talking to them and then i looked up on the hill and saw 2 more deer they were both buck one was the size of mine and the other was a small 2x2 but my dad didnt want to shoot them because of the two guys we were talking to so he didnt. So thats the hunt and i know hes not big but he whoops my first one cause my first one scored 44 and this one scored 88.




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Great job, nice buck!!!

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not big? that is a really nice buck! there are a lot of hunters out there that would give their pinky toe to get a buck like that. try not to get hung up on size, you are to young for that. Congrats on a great buck and thanks for sharing!

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my email isnt working right so i was wondering if you could just send me his email in a pm or something. if you can then that would be great. thanks




Make sure you enter your buck in the Coues Buck Contest:


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