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Christmas Eve

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I went hunting this morning and I'm going tomorrow too. :rolleyes: :unsure: Oh the single life is great. :D



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Man TJ - after all those Christmas lights you hung up on a bum knee, one would think you would have 365 free passes to do whatever you want whenever you want. gotta keep things on an even keel at home or you might be looking for a new one. hope you enjoyed the Cardinal game. you should have mentioned that Christmas eve was an EXCELLENT DAY for game and fish movement/feeding according to the SoLunar calendar. I am sure she would have understood THEN, right?

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TJ, Peg is trying to talk to you. This is a tough one for me - my own father just turned 69, he worked hard his entire life and now has one passion and one passion only - fly fishing. He's phenomenal at it. In the middle is my mom, just a year or two behind him. His job required relocation - but for her that meant leaving friends and eventually feeling very isolated. Sometimes, wives feel that their entire life is all about supporting the men in their lives, and they do it selflessly, making many quiet sacrifices along the way.


When they finally do say something, you bet your sweet backside, it's important, and you would be wise to take pause and really listen. I'm only about 1/2 way into years of marriage as you have, and I surely don't presume to give advice that wasn't asked for on that matter, but since you did ask, and since I do care about you, I'll say this. There is something that has been on her mind for a while and she ignored it as long as she could. Now she's doing the only thing she can by getting it out into the open. Whatever it is, hear her opinion, encourage her to elaborate even though it might be painful. She needs you to understand something she can't easily communicate to you. That means you have to work all the locks and keys and firewalls to get at what is at the root of whatever it is she is feeling.


Women are amazingly complex and wonderful, but unlike a guy you can punch enough times in the chest to get them to unload what they are feeling, require a lot more nuance, setting up a comfortable zone with boundaries, even if you have known them for many years. Women have an incredible fortitude that allows them to press difficult issues below the surface and keep them there almost indefinately, unlike men who can't carry an ounce more baggage than will fit in our pockets. But when the pipe bursts, you've got a big job on your hands to contain the emotion that has been welling up, supressed and gaining momentum for a long time. When that pipe busts, it's a hard fix.


The good news is, you don't have to wait for a Chryronble melt down. What you do have to do is actually listen, be aware, understand where that special person is emotionally, and do everything you can to be her rock before a melt-down occurs.

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I tried to go hunting on xmas eve and got shot down. "Dont be so selfish, think about the kids" I'll be back early. "What if it snows or if something happens and you cant come home" I lost the battle. Sometimes we just have to listen I guess. :(


Tj my daughter Kaleigh still cant stop talking about your house and all the lights. She says its the "Best"


Merry Christmas

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TJ, Peg is trying to talk to you. This is a tough one for me - my own father just turned 69, he worked hard his entire life and now has one passion and one passion only - fly fishing. He's phenomenal at it. In the middle is my mom, just a year or two behind him. His job required relocation - but for her that meant leaving friends and eventually feeling very isolated. Sometimes, wives feel that their entire life is all about supporting the men in their lives, and they do it selflessly, making many quiet sacrifices along the way.


When they finally do say something, you bet your sweet backside, it's important, and you would be wise to take pause and really listen. I'm only about 1/2 way into years of marriage as you have, and I surely don't presume to give advice that wasn't asked for on that matter, but since you did ask, and since I do care about you, I'll say this. There is something that has been on her mind for a while and she ignored it as long as she could. Now she's doing the only thing she can by getting it out into the open. Whatever it is, hear her opinion, encourage her to elaborate even though it might be painful. She needs you to understand something she can't easily communicate to you. That means you have to work all the locks and keys and firewalls to get at what is at the root of whatever it is she is feeling.


Women are amazingly complex and wonderful, but unlike a guy you can punch enough times in the chest to get them to unload what they are feeling, require a lot more nuance, setting up a comfortable zone with boundaries, even if you have known them for many years. Women have an incredible fortitude that allows them to press difficult issues below the surface and keep them there almost indefinately, unlike men who can't carry an ounce more baggage than will fit in our pockets. But when the pipe bursts, you've got a big job on your hands to contain the emotion that has been welling up, supressed and gaining momentum for a long time. When that pipe busts, it's a hard fix.


The good news is, you don't have to wait for a Chryronble melt down. What you do have to do is actually listen, be aware, understand where that special person is emotionally, and do everything you can to be her rock before a melt-down occurs.


:unsure: jk


Holy Cow! That was some piece of art work you handed me there. I was understanding everything quite well until I got to the end and forgot what the beginning said. Don't know if I can fit all that great advise in my head at one time. I think I hear Mrs. Santa stirring around and it's about time she got up cause I can't wait to try some of this stuff on her. Thanks Coach!


SunDevil.....now I like your kind of thinking and will let Peg read your reply.

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OK OK you guys have convinced me not to go hunting this afternoon and to spend some time with the wife and son. JEEEEEZ!

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After 16 years of marriage, I have missed many Thanksgiving dinners and a few Easter dinners. But not Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Even with a late whitetail tag, I come back for a few days. Mainly because I do most of the cooking! See picture below of our tradition Italian Christmas Eve meal - 7 fishes. No eel this year, but: linguine & clams, baccala (salted cod), smelts, calimari, smoked salmon (by my buddy in Alaska), shrimp, orange slices & anchovies (alici).


Quail hunting on Tuesday!


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What's so complicated about women? Just do what we say and it's all perfect!!! :)

:D Yep, What she said! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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What's so complicated about women? Just do what we say and it's all perfect!!! :)

:D Yep, What she said! :lol: :lol: :lol:



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I got both barrels starting with my first hunt in August. Been to MT, 2 jr hunts, dec archery since, and another week planned in the desert in jan. I dont put in for spring hunts cause that would probably be a little much...

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Talk about both barrels.... I get in from the kids AND my husband! It goes something like this:

Kids - "Really Mom? You want to actually kill something on Christmas Eve?"

Husband - "Yeah, what they said! Nice Christmas Spirit Honey"


Ugh........ They just do not understand!


Peg and I are laughing so hard. How did I know you were going to say something like that Ilene? :lol: :lol:



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Never been much of a problem "getting to go out". I just remind her of all the other things I could be doing instead of hunting or fishing. Get my "chores" dealt with then I get to go outside and play. She knew all this going in and hasn't changed her attitude a bit. Kinda lucky really...

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we do chrismas eve with the family sooo I don't even bother to ask.

Christmas day is for the wife and I and she loves the outdoors!

So got to go out for a little more than half the day yesterday and chase some muleys!

Put a stalk on 1 and my wife got to watch me blow the stalk as usuall! haha! one time she will see it come together!

T.J., family is above all is most important and hunting is a close second... so you hang at the house for a couple of days. that will just make you appreciate the time you do get to spend in the field and not take it or your wife for granted (not that you do). You have had a pretty great year from what I have read, be thankful for those times!

Hope you had/have a great holiday and a Super New Years!



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