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MY late whitetail

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Nice buck! Did a dropper break off his left beam or is that just a bump below his G3?


Nice eye! LOL

It looks like he bumped the left beam in velvet and it kind of grew into what could have

been a dropper.

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Some more...

I grossed him about 95 inches with two little extras coming straight out of his brow tines.



I was fortunate enough to draw a late tag in unit 31 this year and was very excited.

Due to work I wasnt able to get out until December 14 and 15 but only saw small bucks those days.

One 80 or so inch 3 point was following a doe, making scrapes and rubbing on small trees so

that made me hopeful for the next week when I would be able to get out again.


Little buck making a scrape. Doe is in picture too.

On monday, december 19th I was on the trail and half way were i wanted to be when It was barely getting light.

I made it to my first glassing spot, sat down, got behind the binoculars and almost immediately saw a couple deer.

I knew the way one buck was acting there was a doe around and he intended on keeping a 2 point away from her.

I couldnt see the 3points rack very well so I just sat and watched for a while. I got a little video of him with my phone

through the binoculars of him raking over a tree and keeping the 2 point from his lady friend.

Some fog rolled in so I took advantage and moved down the steep hill another 200 yards or so. It took a few minuted to find them again as the buck followed the doe up the hill into some thicker brush and trees. I ranged him at 374. My ballistics chart said a drop of

16.4 inches with the 90 grain Hornady GMX for 400 yards. I knew though to aim lower than that because of the the downhill angle.

After 4 shots however the buck just looked around and walked off perfectly fine!

I had to walk down the ridge to my truck, cross over to the next ridgeline and go up the hill to check and make sure though.

About half way up I saw his doe so I froze. She moved and sure enough he moved to where she was just standing. I saw him lip curling and was suprised that this doe was in heat in the middle of December!

They walked off in the thick brush but I was able to keep tabs on them as the buck grunted constantly wherever he followed the doe.

I had never heard a buck grunt so much.

Well it was quiet for a bit so I moved to my right and saw them on a knob between to ridges, I got ready as he offered a good broad side shot so I stood and took a offhand shot. Boom, blew up a rock next to him. Off he went up the hill, when he temporarily forgot his hot doe and did a 180 when I got another shot, missed again! I jacked another round in and led him just a bit and squeezed, whack, I finally heard what I wanted! I saw him hunch up, go uphill, then turn and start going back down the hill very slowly.

I lost him in the trees and brush and I thought I was going to lose it! I had to walk back down the hill, back to my truck, then back up the same ridge I first shot from just lower. As I got to where I thought he was I couldnt see anything till i got a whiff of

rutty buck, looked down the hill and there he was! I was dang happy!



Thanks for all the comments and Merry Christmas!


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Loved the story. Really nice buck. Congrats.


Noticed that the bucks were on the does earlier this year as well.

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Where is a good place to post the video?



Nice work again! Upload it to youtube.com and then paste thelink into the text. Id start it as a new topic though so more people can see it!

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Great looken Buck. Its hard to beat that counrty you are hunting in, Saw a good buck in Oct in that old Fire Scare just couln't get to him before dark.

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Congratulations on a very nice buck, love the color of his antlers!

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Don't know when I've seen a more prettier buck. Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations. :)



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