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Guest VinMan

December Has been Tuff So Far

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Guest VinMan

Hey folks what's going on? Sorry it took so long to update you on this hunt but it turned out to be a good one. No monster buck but I did get me a lion. So here's the story and pics.



Early on a rather warm December morning being the 29th of the year 2011 I made an especially early trip down to my favorite place in the world, The Santa Rita Mountains unit 34A. My goal on this morning was to catch a weiry old Coues buck looking for love. I'd pretty much hunted out all my old spots and came up blank so on this morning I was on a new spot, one that I had never hunted or seen before but had found using some map resouces and the good old internet.


Long about 6:15am I pulled up on my parking spot and wouldn't you know it Mother Nature called and I had to go take a squat (lol). Well after I got my business finished up and my pockets packed with a few rations and bullets for the day I decided to head back easterly to a low spot and work my way round a bluff then head up to a thick spot and find myself an observation point. Well that all worked out pretty good.


So, Im sitting on my perfect stand with the perfect rock in just the right place one for my arse and one a little lower for my walking stick (i used to shoot freehand now i carry a walking stick but wonder why i didn't ever think of that before??) so I can rest my binoculors on it. Any how all morning this dang'ed doe back to the south of me keeps snorting and stomping. I'm seeing deer so I don't really pay alot of attention but this shiat just keeps going on I mean she was really noisy. Unlike any Coues doe I have ever heard before.


I got to sittin there and thinking. I said to myself, Theres something bothering that o'l doe, let's move over and see what it is. So I inched my way around that ridge and found me an old oak tree to sit under (not a bad vantage point) I could still see my other deer as they had been feeding upward.


Any who I'm sittin there thinking I got this joint pretty well staked out there's my deer there fixing to take a little nap they can't smell me. There is just this darned o'l noisy doe back to my left and man she was really startin to cut up if you know what I mean. I'm in my 40's and been deer hunting most of my life and never have I heard a deer make the noise and noise's this old girl did. She was really cutting up. I thought she had found my big buck she was makeing so much noise!!!! And beleive me I was looking..



Well lo and behold out walks a kitty cat. I thought it was just another coyote when I first saw it. Then it hit me I said what are you gonna do thats a lion and you have about a 10 second window of oppurtunity here. Long story short 185 yards model 70 270 win I killed the lion. I never carry my lion tag. After I shut the truck door that morning for some reason I said to myself you should get that lion tag outa the glove box.


It was kinda cool cause she took a couple flops after I shot. I thought I may have made a bad shot so when I got down there I left my walking stick where I hit her marked it with my GPS went wondering and looking with my gun at ready thinking I had a wounded lion on my hands. Got back to my stick thinking shiat, looked to the left and not 10 feet away there that old cat lay dead as all heck.


I don't care about deer anymore I just wanna kill lions. It was by far the best rush of anything I've killed. And I'll tell you what, it ain't bad eating. My favorite is chicken fried with white gravy and the chilie ain't bad either.





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