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How far will a deer move?

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So here is the deal saw a nice 4x4 and forky with some does at last light last night! I decided I would just sneak out of there undetected and go back tonight (since I had to work this morning) and see if he is there! Once you locate a buck do they usually stay in the same area or do they have a big home range! Please any info is appreciated! Really want this buck he is at least 28" Wide and probably 140" First year bowhunting and seeing a buck like that and not finding him again will do things to a man!

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They will usually stay in the same general area unless they are pressured if thats the case it will take a bit to get things back to normal mule deer seem to have a bigger range than couse so if he isn't seen there glass all the surrounding areas good hope you get him and good luck

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Yep, generally a small range until they get pushed hard enough to want to leave, which obviously differs from deer to deer. As long as they feel relatively safe in a spot they seem to stay there.


Many years back I was hunting with a buddy and we bumped a nice buck off a bed. We quietly backed out and came back the next morning. He was bedded within 100 yards of where we had bumped him the previous day. This time he ran the wrong direction, and it was lights out.


Can't wait to hear how your hunt goes. 140 is huge, so be sure and take a camera. Hopefully you'll get a shot, but maybe you can get some good live pix too.

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