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so i just watched montana kill northern iowa. the small colleges have figgerd out how to have a playoff ever year. you'd think the bcs could figger it out, but for some reason they ain't yet. anyway, montana was shark guttin' iowa and toward the end of the game they put in a new quarterback. who's name was montana. nate montana. joe's kid. thought it was kinda funny. i remember a few years back some town in montana was gonna change their name to joe. never heard if they did. Lark.

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I hate the BCS system. They need a playoff in the worst way IMO.


I will not watch the rematch of LSU and Bama in the title game. LSU and Bama already played this year and LSU won in Alabama. So when they play again and if Bama wins then they are the National Champion.......I don't think so. It just does not make sense period. Bama didn't even win their division let alone their conference.


I would love to see Oklahoma St. play LSU but that is not going to happen.

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so i just watched montana kill northern iowa. the small colleges have figgerd out how to have a playoff ever year. you'd think the bcs could figger it out, but for some reason they ain't yet. anyway, montana was shark guttin' iowa and toward the end of the game they put in a new quarterback. who's name was montana. nate montana. joe's kid. thought it was kinda funny. i remember a few years back some town in montana was gonna change their name to joe. never heard if they did. Lark.



I shot a mule deer a few years ago just outside of Joe Montana! It does exist! SE part of the state between Baker and Miles City. More big game in that area then any other place on the planet.

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