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December tag holders

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Driving out Wednesday morning. 12 hours to get across Texas, then another 4 or 5 from El Paso. Excited and ready for opening day. Glad that it's been cold. Hopefully rut starts early this year. I technically don't have to be at work until Dec19, but gotta add time in for the drive home.




My Dad and I saw a couple quality bucks in that unit this year Ended up shooting a nice non-typical 85" buck We were in rough country though!

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Well, my opening weekend just got pushed back to the 16th. I have some work that absolutely has to get done by that time. I should be wide open after that. Casey, you are dang lucky to be one of so few to draw a 36b late tag. That's my favorite unit but I always put 36c first because odds are so much higher. As it is I am tag 119 out of 125. Good luck to you.

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Somehow, with 4 points I drew tag number 4.... AS MY SECOND CHOICE!


Best of luck to you, but man it sucks to miss opening day!!

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Casey you better not shoot a deer under a hundred inches until the last day of the hunt :D . Good luck buddy and send a picture when you get your buck down!


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I'll hold Casey's bullets so no need to worry.



Make sure you don't hand them over unless the buck is worthy of a December tag.


Casey - get out there and best your best....look forward to your new sign-on ....lastcoueswas110.

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Been rough so far. Hunted a total of 6 days so far (7 if you count two half days as a total) and only seen 12 bucks. Nothing even in the 80's. Seen a couple little bucks lightly rubbing horns, one buck scrappin the heck out of a bush.


Tons of deer, not very many bucks. First two days, my buddy and I saw 72 deer.... Not an inch of horn.



I have the week after Christmas off, so hopefully we can dig up a nice one!



Oh, and Chris.... Bullets have been held.... Minus the coyote at 535 yards I busted yesterday morning.

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Casey - I am impressed. 12 bucks in 7 days and no lead in the air. you are learning the ways grasshopper. I think on our last Dec hunt, Larry and I hunted 8 days and neither of us tagged out.

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The last day I was out I was PRAYING not to see a 80-90" buck as with the way the hunt has been going it MIGHT have been in trouble!

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Took my buddy out sat. Nothing in the am cause of the wind. But shot at a small 3x3 mulie 1 minute into hunting the pm hours.....but missed right over his back.


Archery** 70 yards

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I have several spots in 34A&B and two in the metro unit. Good luck to all!

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