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Unit 33

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Archery Season is right around the corner and I am stoked ... mostly because I have considerably upgraded my glass, bow, and pack. I am looking for a little help in Unit 33. I have recently started hunting this area and will be the first to tell you -- still feel like a novice to the area.


Prior to the rut, early December, has anybody had any success up towards the Saddlebrook area or is the recommendation to climb back to mountainous areas? I know the Saddlebrook area has a ton of does ... which can create some misleading sign.


Any help would be much appreciated. I would love to test the limits of my new pack by feeling it with racks and meat.

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As much as it sucks, your going to hear the same thing over and over again. You need to just pick a canyon or drainage and sit and glass, period! I too thought it was tough in 33, until I sat my butt down and glassed. I saw deer in EVERY area I scouted and glassed. I tagged out in october with a small guy, but was happy to harvest my first buck. If I had more time to hunt, I would have held out.

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Lol. Looking for 110 or bigger. Let me tell you right where you might find one. Oh yeah and the guy who posted about a ton of does. Where do you find bucks during the rut? Just saying use your common sense. If you find does, watch them closely, the bucks will be there soon. finding does before the rut hunt is like finding a treasure map telling you where to dig for gold. All you have left is the digging. Good luck

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