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Quad Abuse

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For those who throw all quad riders under the bus is like me saying I hate all bass tournament fishermen because of the ones who think they own the right to cut you off while fishieg a shoreline or blowing by you at 60mph with absolutely no respect. I don't like listening to weekenders shooting constantly while I'm hunting but know they have a right to do so and there are those who will never pick up their brass or targets. I certainly wouldn't say all target shooters are slobs. I have to say I agree with Casey's and Amanda's replies which were well said and to the point. :)



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As Casey stated using them from A-B is fine as, I also use mine for that also.

My issues this past season was with them off the road, and not retrieving game.

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My issues this past season was with them off the road, and not retrieving game.


You should have reported them to G&F. That's the only way they will learn.

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I agree with Amanda, Casey, TJ and others. I do not agree with Mr. Testosterone that ATV riders have a crotch fixation. Why not gain some mental maturity in your posts?

My ATV is my steel horse. It is a tool and a legitimate device just like your F150 4wd. I have ridden it more than 7100+ miles in AZ and Colorado over the past 5 years and have never used it in an illegal or offensive manner. Many of these miles have been hunting. ATV's are an important tool for many of us. This past week I used it to to reach 3 different areas that are no longer accessible by a sane driver in a 4wd truck due to flooding. It saved me an additional 4-6 mile round trip on foot. The flooding had recreated the landscape in some canyons where ranch roads have been present for the last 30 years. If you have a problem with a particular ATV rider or group....do your part and report them if it is appropriate. We DO NOT need more regulations on any part of our sport.

Just my thoughts for what they are worth.

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I use an ATV to save my truck. I have also hunted most my life on horses and mules. I have never used my quad off road to even pick up a downed animal. I pack it to the closest road then drive the quad to it at that point. I my self have never had an atv drive past me or blow my hunt by driving off road through my hunt area. I know it does happen. But I have had other hunter walk right up on deer I was glassing and blow my game plan and they never even saw the buck jump and run. I have had guys on mules and horses blow my game plan a hundred times. I do not expect the game and fish to restrict the area because this took place. So as I agree with the main post I also disagree with it at the same time. Leave open the areas for us to use and everyone needs to do their part to turn in and bust the jerks breaking the laws. Walk up to them and let them know they are breaking the law and a phone. All will be placed as soon as you can.

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The last thing we all need is more regulation!!!!! It is all on the shoulders of the operator. I use a quad often. I would submit that responsible quad use causes less damage to roads then using a truck or suv, but remember I used the term responsible. My old Honda starts everytime and she has seen some nasty roads and she only cost me $2000 and that was 10 years ago. No way I am tearing up a $20-30K pickup or Jeep, just can't afford it. Don't like quads then hunt wilderness or just get off the roads. Use a pickup or suv when the terrain allows and a quad when it doesn't. I have seen plenty of idiots with big ole jacked up trucks stuck way too far back in as well. It's all about the operator. Maybe the G&F should have a idiot hunting season and a non-idiot hunting season ;)

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