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Erickson is out.....

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Start the search for the new Sun Devil head cach. I would love to see Mike Leach to see which Arizona school gets the better of the two coaches. There was a ton of Cat fans hoping that Leach would be the next coach (I was not one of them). This will be very interesting for years to come to see whic school had the best hier.

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Start the search for the new Sun Devil head cach. I would love to see Mike Leach to see which Arizona school gets the better of the two coaches. There was a ton of Cat fans hoping that Leach would be the next coach (I was not one of them). This will be very interesting for years to come to see whic school had the best hier.

Mike Leach would be a great hire!

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He should of been gone 2 weeks ago! Love needs to go with him.

Absolutely right! I think Lisa Love is a bigger problem than Erickson.

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Word is Lisa Love is gone to.

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I heard they are looking at mike stoops. Lol


YES, would you please take stoops so we wont have to pay him anymore. It would save the state money better spent. PS only give him a one year contract. :rolleyes:

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i'm a sun devil fan. die hard. but i'm about sick of the revolving door of coaches. since they run off kush they've never had an identity. samw with basketball after they fired wulk. when cooper was there he really did some good stuff but they let him get away. every other coach has either been an idiot, a crook or both. schnieder got em to the big game and got beat by a kid that he said wasn't good enough to play at asu. since crow has taken over at asu things have gotten worse. love is worse than a joke. leach would be a good hire if they would leave him alone and let him build his team his way. erickson looked like he had things going right. don't know what happened. asu's biggest problem is they let the best kids from Az go someplace else. if they would get the best Az kids to play there and then augment that with kids from other states they would do much better. but they do it backwards and end up with 4th or 5th best players, in state and out, instead of the blue ribbons. leach would be great. but i kinda doubt they'll get him. not with love at the helm. they'll get some bum with nice hair and a good story. but i'll still root for em. Lark.

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+1 with larks words.

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And Mike Leach is Washington States new coach. If your beloved AD Lisa Love waits to long, anybody capable of getting ASU(school as a whole) out of its current slump will be long gone. You'll end up with another D. Erickson while UCLA, Washington State and UofA are on the move up with there new high profile coaches. Better call Danny White!

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Rumor yesterday was Leach to Wash St. Peterson to UCLA and Jim Mora to ASU. First third of the rumor held water. They are also speculating that the guy from Houston might end up at ASU. I would be okay with Jim Mora. A little worried about the guy from Houston as his success is tied closely to their QB.

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yeah, rodriguez did such a good job at michigan. he oughta be able to take who of a to new lows in no time. tell me tho, are you guys gonna continue your rose bowl boycott another year? :lol: :lol: i wouldn't be too quick to annoit rr just yet. if he was such a value, why would he go to tucson? i heard he was shocked when he found out it wasn't in texas. and that was a week after they hired him. asu has some particular problems, but bein' in tucson ain't one of em. :lol: :P Lark.

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ASU needs to bring is a coach that will finally elivate them to the next level. I don't see it hapening for two reasons. 1) Lisa Love is an ineffective figurehead who holds limited authority with her position, and has proven to be ineffectual as the program's leader. Due to her weakness the entire department could get spanked for the sins of an out of control baseball coach. 2) The influential alumni, who are footing much of the bill to buy out Ericson, have always made beating the U of A the top priority. ASU will never climb to the next level unless the bring in a staff that knows how to win at that level. Focus on beating the big boys, USC and Oregon, not the mediocre Wildcats.


Huston's Sumlin has put together an impressive 12-0 record this year, but he is a quarterback away from being 8-4. They have not played a single top 25 team yet this year. Love has been hesitant to make a decisive descision about a coach, opting rather to flaot possibilities to the media and watch the public's reaction. In the past few days two of the top candidated have committed to other schools, and there are 5 more major universties looking to hire.


ASU has everything they need to be a powerhouse except for leadership.

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Yeah Lisa Love really made the "all american linebacker" get fat and slow...she also made the QB erratic with happy feet....


ASU just plain sucks....even when the won the rose bowl...they could not beat UA.

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