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Nebraska Whitetail

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it doesn't get much better tasting than a corn feed whitetail deer - nice buck



It is hard to beat. That little 6 pt nebraska buck I shot last year wasn't just the best tasting deer I ever had, it was some of the best tasting meat period! Can't wait to go back.


Congrats on your buck rem300.

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rem300ultra nice buck!!


I lost my hunting spot due to family selling out but hopefully will find another spot to hunt. Makes you truly thankful for AZ and all the public land.


Can't believe this thread is still going.



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Corn fed whitetail is definitely to die for. That's why I go every year to Kansas

Do you have family land or hunt with an outfitter or other arrangement?


I was thinking about leasing some Midwestern land at some point. I always thought it would be rediculously expensive, but after talking to some people on archerytalk and missouriwhitetails it seems a lot more affordable than what I'd expected.

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