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Traveling for Coues MO to AZ

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Well I have been waiting for this time to come since I found out I got drawn for this tag. I am packed and ready to hit the road but unfortunately I have one more day of work. I will be leaving tomorrow and driving straight through 22hrs and then I will be in God's country looking deer, waiting for my hunting buddy Cowman to join me at camp. Its been ten long months of not killing with you man I'm ready to share the hill side with you looking through some binos for the one. "Lets get Bloody" as Coues N Sheep would say. Good luck to all on the hunt after Thanksgiving. I will post up later how the hunt goes hope to share some pics of a good buck. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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Good luck...


I find myself traveling from az to mo to hunt from time to time. the inlaws have a farm near the lake of the ozarks...things didn't work out this year...the mrs. is due anytime...maybe i'll make the trek next year.

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I hope a 100"+ buck shivers right into my cross hairs. We got our work cut out for us but I'm all in.


Congrats Bojangles on the the little one on the way. I hope to hunt back here next year as well but I don't think I will ever be able to stop hunting Coues.

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22 hours ... sounds about right. I made that drive (from Tulsa) straight through in my old under powered 4 cylinder 4x4. Doing 17 hours from Houston in December this year.


Good luck on your hunt!

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