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2012 Mathews Heli-m Video Review

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I got a chance to play with the 2012 Mathews Heli-m this past week and was very impressed. It took me back to the days when Mathews was just an infant in the bow industry and debuted a super light weight bow called the Z Light! The new Heli-m is a scant 3.5 pounds and loaded with improvements gleaned from having over 20 years in the industry.



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I liked it well enough we had to turn the truck around and go back and buy it for my son before leaving the city. Very nice shooting bow and mathews finally did something for me to buy another bow from them. Won't be too many complaints about this bow.

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Pretty dang cool! Hopefully it's beefed up enough because those long, light risers have a tendency to bend in presses. 3.5lbs would be nice on our long stalks out here!

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Looks awesome, except I just spent the money on a bow for my wife. I guess I should have waited. BTW we will be in there to get her set up in just a few days.

thanks again

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I liked it well enough we had to turn the truck around and go back and buy it for my son before leaving the city. Very nice shooting bow and mathews finally did something for me to buy another bow from them. Won't be too many complaints about this bow.


Nice rig for sure, but man you can't creep with this bow! Other than that, it's a real shooter for sure.

I hope you guys enjoy shooting this bow, and yes, it's not the cheapest but wife doesn't need to know :-)


For those looking for interesting info on the bow, this review here is pretty informative and detailed:


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