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Europeans trying to stop nighttime predator hunting in AZ

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Sierra Club now there is a bunch of hypocrites it is OK for them to drive their fancy cars in to the mountains and then point the finger at some horseback riders for destroys the mountains with paths through the mountains...Like their cars and roads do not do any damage :huh:

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Just reading some of the comments, the number of uneducated statements astounds me. As hunters, our biggest battle is educating the general public. Their thought process is completely different than ours.


Not a single one of those people understand that hunters account for and fund 99% of conservation efforts. Which includes all animals. Nor do they realize the management practices that need to be implemented and the reasons why.


It's things like this that only give me even more motive in college, and what I plan to do after college. (A Wildlife and Restoration Ecology major at ASU)

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Seriously!!!? Night time predator hunting is going to pose a risk to Mexican Grey Wolves? These peole really dont get that if it weren't for hunters the eco-system would be a helluva lot more jacked up than it is right now. We control populations, contribute the OVERWHELMING majority of funds to conservation in the first place (as said around 99%), create healthier heards (you think if it werent for hunters CWD would have been detected or tryed to be controlled in the first place?), and are good stewards of the land. These people need to do some ACTUAL research. If you cant come up with a valid reason for objecting to something just come out and say why you are doing it. Sorry for the rant, these things get me all worked up. Someone should start a rerverse petition.

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