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36B coueswhitetail.com shirt

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Well I am back after hunting a rough 5 days in the weather and gusting wind down in 36B. We spotted and glassed up tons of coues, but unfortunately not many bucks. A few Spikes a fork and a missed opportunity (missed shot) on a respectable 3x2 on Monday. Weather made it rough: wind, rain, and hail, but Disrespect from someone sporting the Coues Whitetail.com brand on their shirts is what made me sick for the first three days of the hunt. I have always grown up learning to respect my fellow hunters and give them space to hunt the areas they are in when I come upon them. Numerous times on this hunt, found my cousin and myself driving by desired areas by at least a couple of miles when evidence of a hunter in the area was there (like the truck parked at the base of a hill or drainage). I even drew back twice after hiking into an area and relatively quickly glassing hunters working the same area from the other side. I guess it is a matter of respect, and one that a fellow member has none of, a guy assisting a hunter and for the first three days parking nearly on top of us and trying to position himself glassing between us and the drainage we were working... The first time we made our presence clear as we glassed from the flats up the range, by standing up and watching him look at us from his truck. Our plan to glass from the flats before pushing up an intermediate hill (a spot, we had prepared for glassing from, the day before the hunt began) was short lived as he parked 20 yards down from us and pushed right up the face of the hill that was right in front of our truck. Instead of raising some heck we moved to another location far from this guy. The next morning he beat us to our spot and while still a little pissed, I gave the respect I was taught, that he failed to give us , and we moved on down about a mile and a half to another ridge on the other side of the mountain. He looked back and waved as we drove past him and the hunter. The next two times we arrived first in this area he showed up later only to keep insisting on parking right on top of us and trying to push past us and the country we were working. I Hope the guy sporting the hunters orange hat and the coueswhitetail.com shirt reads this and knows that he is the same kind of jerk he probably shuns when it comes to hunters and respect. He is in the same class as a person that takes another persons downed game or steals the back straps from a hanging elk in camp. If you are the guy that kept parking next to the white Ford Raptor we were driving, know that someday the guys you are screwing with may not be as accommodating as myself and my cousin were with you. Hopefully you were able to get that toad hanging around that area to give you a shot (not really), I actually hope he makes it to next season.

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Maybe this guy (let's just call him Richard) was given the shirt as a gift and may not be a member at all. OK I doubt it ;) and if he is a member he should speak up. I heard the last hunt down there was tough enough without having to deal with Richards. I'm glad you were able to hold back, not sure I would have done the same.

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My father taught me the same thing growing up; it didn't matter how good the spot was, if someone got there first, it was theirs and we could go elsewhere. Same thing when fishing. I think that far too many folks don't see a problem with doing such a thing these days. Too many encounters with folks that seem to think that it's not an issue. I know we all have the same right to access the land as the next guy, but that code of conduct most outdoorsmen used to follow seems to be slipping away and becoming the minority.

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It is sad but funny you posted this. I also had my run in with people sporting the Coues White tail .com stickers on their vehicles.


We arrived down there on Wednesday morning so we could have 2 days of scouting before the hunt. Well on Thursday night (7PM) as we were headed back to camp we came up on three vehicles pulling camp trailers on Ruby road going towards Arivica about a mile past the Warsaw Canyon area in the flats. I was in my Jeep and making decent time running about 25 or 30 MPH. When we pulled up behind them going about 2 or 3 MPH I figured they would let us pass when the opportunity arose. Wrong they actually made an effort to keep us behind them at all costs. After about a mile of this crap of eating their dust in my open top Jeep I finally took or created the opportunity to pass. I was amazed when I passed them to see the CWT stickers in the back window of two of the three vehicles. What a couple of asshats!!


I did not want to push them to speed up. I can respect the fact that they were pulling trailers and did not want to trash them by going to fast. All we wanted was for them to do the right thing and let the faster vehicles pass as in not impeding traffic.


BTW, I’m not sure it was you but we saw a couple of guys in a white Ford Raptor on Ruby road and also up in the hills we won’t mention where. We were in the Blue CJ-7 Jeep. If it was you then here is your wave of hello.

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Went with my cousin down to 36B this year. It was the first time i have ever been down there. Beautiful country down there. We pulled in on Friday and the wind was horrible. Had a good time glassed up alot of coues one good buck just couldnt get a shot at him. Saw alot of people, so we tried to get away from them by hiking our butts off just didnt see any more bucks. One thing that totally blew me away was the fact that a few people were actually shooting in camp. I couldn't believe that was happening, especially when the hill they were shooting towards was crawling with hunters that morning. We just put the swaro's up and headed back to the truck after hearing the ten gun shots and glassing up there target they were shooting at. So that led us to exploring new country, which wasn't a bad thing cause i got a shed out of it.

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Did you get any pictures? Let's dime this member out!


The digital camera got left behind without realization until we reached Green Valley. The guy was not hunting, but was guiding (not sure if he was an actual guide) a hunter, and sporting the long sleeve Coueswhitwtail.com shirts. They were driving a pretty specific truck, popular make but in a V10, and had two bumper stickers on the bumper but no CW.com on the window. Winmag most likely seen the truck as we did see him in the area a couple times.

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It is sad but funny you posted this. I also had my run in with people sporting the Coues White tail .com stickers on their vehicles.


We arrived down there on Wednesday morning so we could have 2 days of scouting before the hunt. Well on Thursday night (7PM) as we were headed back to camp we came up on three vehicles pulling camp trailers on Ruby road going towards Arivica about a mile past the Warsaw Canyon area in the flats. I was in my Jeep and making decent time running about 25 or 30 MPH. When we pulled up behind them going about 2 or 3 MPH I figured they would let us pass when the opportunity arose. Wrong they actually made an effort to keep us behind them at all costs. After about a mile of this crap of eating their dust in my open top Jeep I finally took or created the opportunity to pass. I was amazed when I passed them to see the CWT stickers in the back window of two of the three vehicles. What a couple of asshats!!


I did not want to push them to speed up. I can respect the fact that they were pulling trailers and did not want to trash them by going to fast. All we wanted was for them to do the right thing and let the faster vehicles pass as in not impeding traffic.


BTW, I’m not sure it was you but we saw a couple of guys in a white Ford Raptor on Ruby road and also up in the hills we won’t mention where. We were in the Blue CJ-7 Jeep. If it was you then here is your wave of hello.


A wave back at you Winmag. We did see you up in the hills, that wind must have been cold on your face the morning I saw you standing while your friend was driving back from the back side of that road. Beautiful country back there and a lot of deer just seems the bucks were hunkered down real well. Not an area I would give up on in future hunts. We worked that area hard by foot and glassing the first few days even when the (Richard) kept persisted to be on top of us. Seen some small ones but took no shots back there. Thursday we seen almost no one back there, Friday just a couple, Saturday I started to think there was strip club at the end of road that was responsible for all the traffic. After the Sunday morning traffic and hunters driving their buggies with barking dogs it was time to move on to some less traveled country. This was definitely one of the craziest hunts down there this year with the weather and so many (Richards) on the hills. With that being said we did talk with some awesome hunters many of who had very similar experiences when it came to finding the good bucks we all know are in the area. Good luck on all your future hunts and next time we will say Hi in the field.



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This is the kind of stuff we need to make our children promise they will never do!

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What it boils down to is that 850 rifle hunters and their friends and family are all in the same unit with only a few days to hunt. It is great to try and give other hunters space to hunt but in a situation like this there is not enough physical space in the unit to spread that many people out. In my opinion since there are 100+ tags leftover for these units the game and fish should scrap those tags and make it a more enjoyable hunt for those that applied for it.



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What it boils down to is that 850 rifle hunters and their friends and family are all in the same unit with only a few days to hunt. It is great to try and give other hunters space to hunt but in a situation like this there is not enough physical space in the unit to spread that many people out. In my opinion since there are 100+ tags leftover for these units the game and fish should scrap those tags and make it a more enjoyable hunt for those that applied for it.

+1. I was down there this past weekend ,and everywhere I turned I was bumping into other hunters. Even when we walked a couple of miles off the road. Once we glassed up some deer just before dark 1/4 mile from the nearest road and had them busted out by 4 "hunters" on quads.

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What it boils down to is that 850 rifle hunters and their friends and family are all in the same unit with only a few days to hunt. It is great to try and give other hunters space to hunt but in a situation like this there is not enough physical space in the unit to spread that many people out. In my opinion since there are 100+ tags leftover for these units the game and fish should scrap those tags and make it a more enjoyable hunt for those that applied for it.


It has nothing to do with the number of tags nor the number of days a hunter chooses to spend in the field. It has to do with respecting others period. I have been on hunts with 800+ tags in many units and never found it hard to move by hunters who are working an area before me and move on to another spot and find game. Sometimes I hike out and sometimes I find areas close to roads ideal for glassing but 36b has no shortage of roads or areas that may limit hunters the ability to respect one another. Nor is it hard to stop and introduce yourself and share your reason for wanting to work close to the same area (something that if done, would have changed my feelings about this guy) making excuses based on number of tags and length of ones chosen hunt is a poor excuse to act in this kind of manner. Like I said, Twice in another part of the unit I hiked into an area (no other trucks or proof of hunters) and quickly glassed up hunters who had not spotted me, as soon as I was aware someone came in from another side I quietly pulled out and left the area. I did not have to go more than a couple miles before finding deer in area with no others around, just no bucks I wanted to shoot. It is a Big unit with good populations all over, and plenty of access. There is no excuse for a guy doing what he was doing. After seeing his actions, and though I would never condone it, I can certainly understand why confrontations and retaliation happens in the field.

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There is a ton of variables and you can't try blaming being a Richard on just one thing. It is not just isolated to units with leftover tags. This is become more of a problem in other areas as well. As hunters share info and the word gets out on good areas and as less experienced hunters start to learn where the good areas are and the # of hunters increases in general, so will the competition for dibs on an area ensue. "Not such a Str8shot" is rignt!! (noticed I changed your handle? LOL) The only thing this ultimately boils down to is respect for another hunter who Richard knew was in the area and chose to Frak with his hunt. There are no 2 sides to this story. Dont park next to my truck and expect me to let you come BuckBlocking me cause it wont be pretty... Now for a big bear Hug!


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Str8Shot >>>


Shoot me a PM sometime with your cell number. We came across 3 bucks on Thursday before the hunt and 1 on Saturday 1 on Sunday and 2 on Tuesday. If you saw me on opening morning thats what we were working on getting the 3 we saw on Thursday afternoon. We had no luck finding them again though. The 2 we saw on Tuesday were trophy bucks but I could not close the distance due to fading light and 986 yard out to shoot at. We were a long way from where we saw each other the first couple of time in another part of the unit. But I learned something down there for next year.


On a side note another thing I learned in the other part of the unit we were in....... It's not quite as safe as where we normaly hunt. We had somebody take a pop shot at us with a handgun from 50 yards out hitting the ground right next to my hunting partner. I will do a write up on my hunt in the next day or two with more details.


Stay safe and good luck on your next hunt also.




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That's crazy Shane. Glad no one was hurt! Any idea if it was another hunter or an illegal? Look forward to hearing about your hunt.

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