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Emily's first buck

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My daughter Emily and I left town to start our hunt. Opening morning came and we left camp early and drove to a spot we always find deer in. The wind was blowing pretty hard so we hunted into it. We climb into a saddle and right away I spot a deer moving across the canyon then it is gone. Awhile latter I pick up another deer ahead of us and see that he has horns. We slowly move up to where we think the buck went to get out of the wind but the area is thick with brush. My buddy Jimmy says he will walk down and try and bird-dog him out of his bed. He leaves us and 5min. Later the buck comes out headed up canyon. I tried to get my daughter on the deer but he was moving to fast for her to keep the deer in the scope. She says dad you better take him before he gets away. I shoot twice and hit the buck and put him down. I shot a a couple more rounds to make sure he is down.

The next morning we wake up to 40 mile winds and snow. So we take are time leaving camp. The wind slows to about 15 mph so we take off to hunt. We spot a buck on a hillside at about 700 yards so as we are closing the distance we hear another hunter shoot from behind us and they take the buck down. My daughter then is discouraged that her chance was over. We move around the corner from the know dead deer and I spot another buck. I take my tripod out and get Emily set up to make a shot. She drops to one knee and finds the deer in her scope and bang! I could tell the buck was hit hard and it falls then rolls out the other side of the tree. We make it to the deer and she picks the head up and starts yelling and screaming with excitement.,

She was proud that her buck was bigger then dads. Never posted from my. Cell so hope it works.post-3275-0-01615600-1320677036_thumb.jpg


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That is a great buck for Emily! Way to keep at it. Yes, hunting public land can be discouraging but persistence paid off! Congratulations!!! Time with daughter/dad = Priceless! :)

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My buddy Jimmy packed the deer out for me because of my bum knee. while he had it on his back Emily grabbed the deers head and put the deers tunge in his ear. Thats why he is turning away in the post above.

good times but still two tags to fill. leaving in the morning to try and get my dad and brother a deer.

I am so proud of my daughter she has stuck it out for three years and it finally all came together.

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Nice Buck Tell Emily I said Congrats. Keep at it, the weather is turning in you favor in the next couple of days. Wish I had this hunt and not the HOT oct hunt.



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Congrats to you Emily! Good job Steve, I bet she can limit out on quail before you can now!!! I now know why Jimmy is always there, "Pack mule!"!!! Do you think I can borrow him on my next elk hunt!!! Jk!! Good looking deer and good times, congrats again!!!

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Congratulations to her on a very nice buck! Way to go on sticking it out and getting it done, super job Dad on taking her out to be able to experience it all.

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sweet buck and congrat's....I can't wait to run around the hills with my daughter... B)

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