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Should I mount it?

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First off, congratulations on your successful hunt and on your first coues. You may now turn into a coues addict. Secondly, I have never allowed the score of an animal influence my decision to have it mounted or not. It has always been based on memories, maybe my firsts, character of an animal, the hunt itself, ect and lastly (or maybe first) whether or not the Mrs. allows it. And so far, she's been pretty good about it. So no matter what you do, don't let the score determine it, let your heart and memories! Again congrats! Vern

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Mounting a deer is not about a score as much as it is about preserving the memory of the hunt. Your buck is nice, but it wont set any records, however you and your dad may have made some world class memories. If this buck on the wall will be a constant reminder of those memories, you may want to mount it.

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Congrats on a good looking buck! I ditto the above sentiment... totally a personal thing. The coues deer I have on the wall is a tiny thing (I think 65") BUT, it was my first deer with a bow . The memory I have of that whole hunt and the emotions I felt walking up to that deer are brought back when I look at my little coues deer up on the wall.

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It is totally your personal preference as the others have said. investigate the options and how you feel about each.. and if YOU feel it is worth the money. It is possible to do the skull yourself for little out of pocket cost and a little of your own time if $ is a concern.

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I mounted my first coues and he was alot smaller than yours! Congratulations on your nice buck!!!!

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Yep agree...Does not matter what we think....It is your first coues deer how do you see him on your wall or table top or where ever you think he will look the best?:D

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I'm sure he'd make a great mount - shoulder mounts will most likely go 400+


how big a whole in your pocket can you handle ?


you can buy a kit and mount the antlers yourself- several at Cabelas -


european mounts are cool - a guy with beetles can clean deer skulls for around 100 -several of those around

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You can have him caped and salted, and keep it until you have the funds to mount him. Or roll the cape up, vacuum seal it, and store in your deep freeze (not the kitchen freezer that goes though the defrost cycles).

A European mount on an angled plaque would look good until then. I like the memories provoked by seeing a mount on the wall or pedestal rather than the photos in an album that rarely gets opened.

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A trophy is in the eye of the beholder. If that buck/hunt has extra special meaning to you then mount it. If not then save the coin for one that does. Whether the next one scores high or has extra special meaning to you or both.


I know for me, I have some critters mounted simply because they were too beautiful not to. They made excellent art. Some got mounted soely for the fact that I had to work extra hard for them or for some other sentimental value.


Let us know what you decide.

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tough question to ask other people. there are some people that mount pretty much everything they harvest. if they have the money for it good for them. others look for a great hunt and others look just for trophies. this is most definetly a personal decision.


I had decided not to mount my deer from last year but when I shot another buck this year that could pass for at least a cousin if not a brother I have decided to have them both mounted together. if not for the deer this year I probably would not have ever had my deer from last year mounted even though it is a great deer.

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I understood from your other post that it was your dad’s buck.




If that’s the case getting it mounted should put a hole in his pocket, not yours. (If he resists, tell him he can deduct it from your inheritance. :lol: )


I think it’s a beautiful buck with lots of character. And you guys have a great story with the dropped and dinged rifle. Heck, get the rifle mounted next to it!


Ultimately, whether you do a shoulder mount, European mount or skull cap mount is a personal decision.


My only advice is that money spent on a professional, well-regarded taxidermist is not wasted.


I’ve had Dale from Wild Heritage Taxidermy do a skull cap mount for me and couldn’t be happier. (I keep threatening to bring him a turkey for a fan tail mount but my turkey calling is making my threat less than credible.)


My dad had Clay from Mogollon Taxidermy do a European of his 6X bull AND my son’s spike. Again, great memories. We don’t regret it.


Even the strongest memories fade but it’s nice to have something tangible to bring them back to life.

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If you decide on a euro mount I think the Skull hooker is way more classier looking



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