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AZ Desert Bighorn (VIDEO)

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Ok.........So no matter what that ram scores, he is really beautiful. Too bad that side is broomed off. If both sides were the same as the longer one.....WOW! I get pretty revved up about sheep, mostly because I think I will never draw a tag in this my native state. Super fun to watch them blast open a catcus and chomp away.


I am going to throw out that it is a 7 or 8 year old ram. I would guess it to be bigger than 165" but not greater than 175". Anyone have another opinion? I always want to get better at field judging these critters.


Awesome video! Do you mind sharing the equipment you were using to get that footage? How about the approximante distance? Thanks for posting the video.

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He looks younf but could be a PIG! Any guesses on score?


Great video! He is mauling that barrel cactus for sure. I am going to guess 155-158. Nice work.

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I am going to guess 155-158. Nice work.


+1, I was thinking high 150's before I read this guess.


I am going to throw out that it is a 7 or 8 year old ram. Anyone have another opinion? I always want to get better at field judging these critters.


And, I might guess a couple years younger than suggested.


I still have a ton to learn, and by all accounts my guess may not be as good as anybody else's. Its a fun game to play...guess the score, until you have a tag in your hands and then it becomes panic time. May I suggest you pick up the book "Desert Bighorns" in preparation for your someday when you have a tag or a friend does? It is the most comprehensive photo illustration of BIG (or shall I say PIGs) sheep, with scores. You will not regret it, and it will become the single most valuable tool for you to be better at field judging rams. I reference the book weekly since I got it this summer.


THanks for sharing this awesome video with us. I love the way they do those barrel cacti!

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Thanks for the comments guys! Yeah he went to twon on that barrel cactus--headbutted it first and then ate it down alomost 10" like a pot of chili!


We figured he was 5 0r 6 years old and estimated him on the higher end of your guesses. His bases don't get enough credit from the angles in the video. I think he's a you superstar to be--2-3 more years and he'll be an auction type ram.


I use a Sony digital camera--internal memory--no tapes. Its got a 20x Zeiss optical zoom and fit its my pocket. I used a Swaro 20-60x65mm HD spotting scope and then videoed on another tripod to get a solid rest. He was about 700 yds away.

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