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Tell me about 19A

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So last weekend (10/21/2011) I helped my cousin out in 19A on Migus. The first thing I noticed was the low pressure from other hunters. There was deer there as we seen lots of sign and tried to sneak up on a bachelor heard of about 6 head. Here is the thing that confused us and maybe why there was such low pressure, off the 413 road there is a sign "Prescott National Forest" a few feet away is another sign "Private property no hunting". There was yet another sign that said "no hunting or shooting". The United Methodist Church had some kids hiking around. We ended up going down the ridge (southern portion of the 110 trail) into the thick stuff where we knew the kids would not be and the deer might be hiding. I called Game and Fish but as you can image they're pretty busy. I'll follow up with them sometime in the near future as the hunt is already over. Till then ...


So can you hunt around the northern part of 110 trail head?



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Shhhhh, we don't tell people about 19A! There are no animals there! Haha! But yes 110 is Ok as long as your past the private property and obeying other laws. Also try past the campsites to the 108 and 9037 trails. Go to GF website "Photo" section and search 19A to see what kind of stuff is there. Good luck!


So last weekend (10/21/2011) I helped my cousin out in 19A on Migus. The first thing I noticed was the low pressure from other hunters. There was deer there as we seen lots of sign and tried to sneak up on a bachelor heard of about 6 head. Here is the thing that confused us and maybe why there was such low pressure, off the 413 road there is a sign "Prescott National Forest" a few feet away is another sign "Private property no hunting". There was yet another sign that said "no hunting or shooting". The United Methodist Church had some kids hiking around. We ended up going down the ridge (southern portion of the 110 trail) into the thick stuff where we knew the kids would not be and the deer might be hiding. I called Game and Fish but as you can image they're pretty busy. I'll follow up with them sometime in the near future as the hunt is already over. Till then ...


So can you hunt around the northern part of 110 trail head?



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