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Hunting 2011 36B

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I figured I would sit down write a a little about our hunting adventure in the opening hunt in 36B. As many know It was myself, my brother in law and SndRDNK on this site who I was taking on his first hunt. I kind of baited him into hunting. He was interested in guns and I took him in to site in my rifles a few times. Then I decided to drag him along to go scouting a couple times..... saw lots of deer and he was hooked.


Ill back up a month before the hunt on one of his scouting adventures. we would leave Phoenix at 3am to get to 36B in prime light time. Of course a long the way you do things to try and keep you awake.



I showed him a good portion of the area and a lot of what it had to offer. We had a slow morning seeing deer maybe 2-3 deer with only 1 buck. Then we ran across 3 seperate groups of deer totaling around 18-20 deer with half of them being bucks. I think he got more excited to see those deer then me. I knew I had a hunting buddy... :P


We can fast forward to Oct 20th 2011. Everything was being packed and you know.... the "oh heck I am getting the hunting jitters." I had to work on Thursday so I loaded everything up Wed Night and went to work trying to get done as soon as possible.




Stopped to fill up on the way to work.... and i was 8 hours away form heading hunting




I started work an hour early at 3am and figured I would be done by 10am .It is usually my short day but of course..... it took extra time and I was finally done and headed out by a little after 11am.


7am....headed out of an account and almost time to get hunting. Half way through my day and I had this starring at me everytime I walked out....




I was on the road and headed to go hunting. Stoked, relieved, and happy as a pig rolling in fresh slop.




I got in to Tucson refilled and headed on down to 36B. I usually stay at the cabin in Arivaca but I really prefer camping. It is much more fun to me. So after not camping for a few years I set up camp and prepared to get up early for the opening morning. SNDRDNK had to work Friday but would be headed out right after work on Friday as he planned on having a short day... :lol:




I sat watched the sunset while discussing with my brother in law where he thought we should camp at. We decided on a place back by Beargrass lake.




Going into this hunt we were going to take nothing smaller then 115" deer for my brother in law and I and a buck was fair game for Nick. He Just wanted a deer.


Its about an hours drive so we started early. We got up and had an area that had not seen many deer in the last few years but we had been seeing more and more deer in this area. In-particular we saw a 100" buck, a few smaller bucks and one huge unidentifiable buck on a previous scouting trip. The biggest of the bucks ducked into a tree and played houdini never to be seen again. He was about 400 yards and visual mass with no binos....


We got back to where we wanted to park and start our hike. We waited about 20 minutes to drive the last 1/2 mile and park cause often times we have seen deer from the start of the hunt. we proceeded forward over the hill only to find 3 tents camped on the road and where we usually park. Time for opening morning plan B


we back tracked looped around to come in and hunt the backside of the mountain range. We figured any hunting pressure would send some deer over our way. This was not the case we would later find out.

We went down and climbed a long jeep only road to the top. just as we crested the first of two huge climbs we spotted a deer running about 500 yards away at a full run. My brother law and I did the "deer, buck, TOAD hes huge.!" We threw our binos up and he was an easy 120" class deer. we looked at each other and decided we must have spooked him real close to us as we saw him really full on running at 500 yards. So maybe we umped him twice. He was not that spooked from that distance with just us cresting the hill.


We decided to park and we would hike the last hill and into the mountain on foot to try and get another glimpse of him and get a shot. We hiked and glassed the better part of 4 hours that morning up and around the range and never saw him again. Only a lonely doe. He had a great hiding spot.


We came down, hopped in the jeep, turned around and saw 2 smaller bucks and a doe. We watched them trot of and go over towards the area with the camp. about 15 minutes later a gunshot rang out....with about 8 more the last one providing that "whack" hit shot. We figured it was that deer. We went out through a wash and jumped 4 more deer and 2 were bucks. For as slow as a morning it was the last deer we saw was a 75-80" 3 point. Perfect for Nick but he was still working.


We got back to camp, called Nick who his short day was now not ending till 330. :P Thats how it always works. I tokd him we would be coming back form our evening hunt and gave him directions to camp.


That evening we went down by the Buenes Aires to a hill that produced 4 deer for us in the past. It is a morning spot for us and evening usually does not produce like the morning. It didnt fail. We did not see a single deer. This area is so odd for deer as a heard of bucks I cn go in the morning and pattern their movement all year round even seeing them one morning on a scouting trip. On our way out we ran across one of the US fish and wildlife officers. They are nothing like an AZ GF officer and usually have 4 chips on their shoulder as well. Im not sure why but always unpleasant meetings except a new guy that just strted in the area. He did not go overboard, did not want to see every credential, search etc. talked for a few and never asked for ID and we were off. Great guy... asian guy driving a new power Wagon truck if you see him super nice.


We arrive back at camp to find Nick there, fire going and time for Saturday morning game plan.




I love to cook and when hunting it is no different... I got the grill going, cracked open a cold one and went to down. Devens world famous Beef Fajitas were on the nights menu.




Of course my Signature drink... a shot of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey!




Up early and back at it.....



Saturday morning we decided to go find this toad buck we saw the previous morning. We got in early, got to a ledge to do some glassing on a path we thought many deer would be headed down to the pond we saw down the wash at this is where the deer were the previous day.




We stayed all morning seeing not one deer. We did however see 1 skunk upon arrival, and a heard of Javelina 12 of them. it was actually crazy they were 30 yards away. They walked right by us and about 50 yards behind them was a little baby. It smelt us and was crying the entire time. (if you have never heard a baby Pig it sounds just like... a baby) well it scented us and thought we were mom. Usually pig sniffers are great but this one was confused. it came right to our feet 5 feet below the ledge we were sitting on.







We ended up leaving and seeing more deer on the way back to camp. I dont recall exactly what but some does here and there. We got back to camp and prepared for the night hunt. We went to a spot down Ruby rd and by an old mine. :P We have seen deer here and i glassed up a couple deer from a previous hunt for a couple guys to shoot. It was a long evening with little action to start. We glassed some deer 800 yards off and one was a buck for sure but they were headed away and with little light we are not going to catch them. In this vid you can see where Nick and I hiked around this bowl to go after another group of 3 deer we saw which one was a smaller buck. They were playing and running around in some Ocotillos. This area was great but every shot was going to be 500 yards +. not a way to get Nick a deer.


It was a good thing Nick caught a few Z's... I think he was not expecting this much energy being used... LOL



We ended up hiking around the bowls and crested the hill to hear the thrashing of branches breaking and stomping. A deer was on full GTFO mode. We never saw it but he was not sticking around for us. About another 100 yards up I jumped the 3 deer from the ocotillos. I saw them running downhill and light was getting scarce. I got down about 60 yards, pulled up my binos to see them about to crest a hill. I knew the second one back was a buck about a 75" 2 point that was a nice first year deer. Im looking at the deer I thought was the first and trying to put horns on him. The light and background at 150 yards was not being friendly. He posed fro about 12 seconds and then turned walked two steps and bam... hes a buck.. shoot shoot shoot. I turned and saw Nick standing about 12 yards behind me. I guess I forgot to help him with the practice of sitting, getting ready and when I confirm buck... you pull the trigger. OOPS... He walked over the hill and I had to give him a lesson on you cant wait for these guys.... :( lesson learned. Sucked cause I though he was going to tag out. He only had two days to hunt with his work schedule.


That night was once again a fire, great food Garlic seasoned chicken and my potato bake.



I love to cook.... LOL


We sat down by the nights fire, relaxed with a cold one and decided to hike back to where we were from the bottom side the next morning.





Nick must have been tired still from his first day of hunting. 20 minutes into glassing it was time for a siesta....




We saw a few deer, the group from the night before which was now at the top of the hill about 800 yards away almost where we were last night... OF COURSE... Then we saw a couple bucks on the range across from us. It was not getting late and I gave the option to Nick if he wanted to try and hike up to them and get them. They were VERY far and open. a close shot was not going to happen. He decided it was a long hike and did not want to. No big deal. the shot would have been hard and they were 5 yards from the top of the hill. Once we started the hike we would have never seen them till we got closer. the hike would have then been for nothing if they left. Tough hike without being able to keep your eye on them here and there.


Nick had to leave, he had to work the next morning. My brother in law and I got back game planned our next hunt and we decided to hike into a honey hole for us 2 years ago. we saw over 50 deer here in a few hours and had the worst hunter ever with us who shot more then 20 shots in this canyon and we were still seeing deer.

We hiked half way in as we would be fighting light on the evening hunt and saw many does and smaller bucks. They were still in this area and we were getting that fever you get when you know your going to see something good.


We got back the next night and decided to get up real early and hike all the way in. It was a great decision.... We saw deer on the way in, deer while back there and had one of those successful never fired a shot hunting mornings.


I lost count of how many deer we saw back here but I kept texting Nick and sneaking in a pic here or there with my phone. We saw more then 100 deer glassing from this spot over two days and 30+ bucks.


We saw spikes




bucks with no antlers like this guy with 1" nubs...




This doe who two days in a row played in this pond for over an hour and half. Apparently she thought it was play day at the pool






We watched his nice Buck come walking down the mtn. Hind sight is 20/20 but we passed on this Buck. He stopped for about a minute broadside about 90 yards away. I was in position, pulled the trigger in my head 10 times thinking about killing him. I passed. I was not sure he was exactly what I wanted... looking back... he was good enough. LOL :angry:




We hiked back into this place Mon night, and Tues morning and total like I said saw 100s of deer. many bucks but nothing what I wanted. i was willing to pass on a pretty nice deer the day before and was not about to take a little spike just to take a deer. Going in to this hunt I had a plan (like I do every year) to hold out for a B&C buck. This year, I stuck to the guns and maybe I missed out on a dang near nice B&C buck I had shot at. I know I was long winded and im sure Nick could fill more info on here but we had a great hunting experience especially for a first timer. Cannot wait till scouting next year. In the mean time I go Elk hunting next week, Ill go pig hunting in Feb, and Turkey hunting to satisfy my need for hunting till next year Coues season.


Oh and sorry for the pics... they are all from my phone and hand held binos. I take random ones when I can. I dont bring a digiscope and camera with me... I try my best with what I hunt with... LOL

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Nice write up. Sounds like a good time and a nice hunt. Thanks for sharing with us.

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Great write up. I've been waiting for your story since your few posts while you were out there. You can cook at my camp anytime!! Sure beats Mountain House. I've read a ton of great stories about 36B. Might have to see if I get lucky down there next year. If you're ever looking for a glassing partner, shoot me a message.

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Loved the write up and the pics.

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Hey Deven,


Great hunt write up and pics! Food looks great!


I think for embedding the videos, you actually just need to copy and paste the URL to your youtube videos. Don't use their embed code. just put the link to the youtube video and the forum makes the video show. So just go to youtube and open your video, then copy the address in the browser URL area and paste that URL into the forum post.

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Great story and pics...thanks for sharing. That's what it's all about whether you fill your tags or not. Being from TN, I appreciate your taste for TN honey. A necessity for me in camp too. :D

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Tried putting direct link to vids but it says to many files.. bummer..... should be able to view them by clicking. The little fawn was so cute running in the water for two days in a row for hours... it was cute.

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No problem everyone. We always have a blast tag soup or not... Hunting is just that hunting... it is not called target perfection, shooting deer, its hunting... you hunt and sometimes.... you lose! The memories made and experience while "hunting" lasts forever.

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Hey vegasjeep, excellent writeup and pics. I have my hunt in late November down in 36B and I am really excited. I went on a scout a couple of weeks back and glassed up some dandy bucks. I've heard from many people that they see hundreds of deer in that unit too. Can't wait for Nov.25th.

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Nice pics, good food, great stories, awesome friends and family makes for priceless memories. Thanks for the write-up. It keeps the juices flowing for my hunt. You guys made some sweet memories.

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Hope everyone has a great time hunting and good luck!

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