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0 for 4 but we had a great time!

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Well, I just spent a week with Scott and Trent hunting coues. We also had a couple other guys join us for a few days(John Oldham (sp?) from the forum and another John from Scott's work).


We had a great time and many thanks to Scott and his wife for letting us set up "camp" at their house. What a great place to stay. Thanks!


Well, since we didn't kill anything, i won't get all long-winded. We hunted hard and had a blast. Made a few stalks on a few bucks, but got winded or seen everytime...bummer! Both Scott and I missed long shots on some bucks. We didn't do any backpack hunting this time, but did some long hikes. The last day was about 6.5 miles and 2200 feet elevation gain! My legs are sore today!


We saw a lot of other wildife during our trip. Lots of bears. Got pics of a few of them. They were all chowing on juniper berries. If you all remember we had that bad freeze this year which really put the hurt on a lot of plants that normally produce fruit/nuts that the bears eat (oak trees and prickly pear). So this year they seemed to be dependent on juniper berries and some places we went you couldn't go more than 10 feet without seeing another pile of bear poop full of juniper berries.


here are some pics of the bears. All the bears were within about 150 yards. But the season had already closed.




Scott took the following bear pics using an adapter shooting through his spotting scope. Turned out pretty good!







Saw a lot of mule deer and coues deer. Not much for really big bucks though.






saw lots of bighorn sheep, only a few rams though and not all that big. But I always enjoy seeing sheep!











We enjoyed lots of spectacular views.










scott and trent glassing




We had a couple days with some interesting airplane and helicopter activity going on around us. One day was a couple of fighter jets doing manuevers right over us. Scott loved it, but I thought it was way too loud!! Another morning we had a couple helicopters ferrying in equipment to a backcountry site. Not sure what they were hauling the stuff for, but a big helicopter was carrying large items like storage trailers and even full-size pickups and trailers. here is a pic showing the helicopter hauling in a trailer.




One day, Scott's dog Dusty managed to follow us on foot after we took off from the house on ATVs. He caught up to us about 4-5 miles later (much of it straight uphill)! Wow, that's an impressive dog! Here he is helping us "glass". That big cinnamon bear was right below us. We were glad Dusty didn't decide to chase it!






We also made a little time to visit a really neat cave with cool formations in it. It's usually got so much water in it that you can't get in very far, but it was dry and we were able to access some new chambers I hadn't seen before.














It was a great hunt and thanks to my good hunting buddies Scott and Trent for making it so fun! Can't wait for next year!


We enjoyed some great meals at Scotts house. Scott made a giant batch of Elk tacos that we enjoyed and took leftovers out in the field with us. Those make some great snacks while glassing!

taco tuesday


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Awesome pics!!! It is always great to be with friends in the outdoors and seeing wild life. Sorry about your luck but it gets me excited about my hunt coming up in next week. Love the pics of bears.

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All beautiful pictures thts a big a?? bear :o sorry you had no luck this year maybe next year ;) aleast you had fun & beening outdoors

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Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures especially the last one, there is nothing better than some good Elk Tacos ..... and now I am Hungry :P

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Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures especially the last one, there is nothing better than some good Elk Tacos ..... and now I am Hungry :P



here is a closeup just for you of the elk tacos sprinkled with garlic salt. Taco night during our hunts has sort of become a tradition! Yum!



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Looks like you guys had a great time! Lots of wildlife and good times with good friends always makes for a great hunt. That red bear looks like a real bruiser! Awesome pics!



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Thanks for sharing your trip with us, looks like you had alot of fun even though you didn't come home with a buck. I enjoy seeing an assortment of wildlife while I am out looking for a particular animal!

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Great pics, glad you had fun. I need to sit down tonight and write out about our hunting adventures. We really had a great time!!!!

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Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures especially the last one, there is nothing better than some good Elk Tacos ..... and now I am Hungry :P



here is a closeup just for you of the elk tacos sprinkled with garlic salt. Taco night during our hunts has sort of become a tradition! Yum!




Now that is just rubbing it in ... :angry: Seriously since seeing the pics I have gotten some Elk thawing so I can make up a batch of my Elk Red Chili to enjoy... have to make a double batch so I can take some on my upcoming hunt.

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great picturesss even if you guys didn't shot anything you guys seen a lot of game.. and you guys had a great time... Thx for sharing with us



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That's what it's all about...looks like you had a great time even though you didn't fill your tags. Thanks for sharing the story and pics.

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