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0 for 4 but we had a great time!

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That looks like a huge bear!! I went 0 for 1 myself but had a great hunt. I passed on some smaller bucks early in the week and missed a small one on the closing morning. It was great to get out and hunt for a full week with very few work interuptions. Great pictures by the way.

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Thanks for sharing Amanda. Scott's tacos look to die for. Now I'm hungry. :)



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Definitely good times. I don't usually do this, but I'm going to give a plug for two things:


1- Wilderness Athlete Energy and Focus Drink- On day two I ran out of water after the nastiest hike of my life, and fortunately Amanda had a pouch of this drink mix. My legs had started to cramp really bad, and I wasn't in the best shape, but after drinking half a pack mixed in a few ounces of water I was good to go for the rest of the hike back.


2- Scott's wife Rhonda's homemade salsa. It is AMAZING!! I think we need to post the recipe on CWT.com somewhere.

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It was a blast this year. Just hiking the country and seeing the game was awesome. I did almost no scouting this year so we didn't have anyplace to really zero in on and instead just made the rounds to some our "favorite" spots. John I'll see if I can get Ronda to write something up on her salsa recipe. She doesn't have anything written and just throws a bunch of stuff together. Had a Great time!!

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Wow, That's proof that a hunt doesn't have to end with a kill to be a whole lotta fun. Those are some great pictures of some great country. Dang that cinnamon bear is fat, love to see bears while glassing. Glad you got to see a little more of that cave. It looks incredible. I'd give up the kill to have a hunt where you get to see a lot of interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing!

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You know, I do really like to see threads with antlers to look over, but I think my very favorite are always the ones without a deer, following the hunt via pictures. This one was exceptional!

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Looks like a great time for sure. I'm thinking maybe the equipment may have been a mining company getting ready to do some expolaration work. They sure like to find copper in great coues deer country. Love the bear photos. To bad the season was over cuz that thing would have been worth the work.

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Memories in the field and kitchen ;)


Thanks for sharing!!!



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Sorry that you guys couldn't connect as it is always a little icing on the cake. Looks like it was a great time though and the pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us and there is no doubt that the big ones will find their way to your tag next time.

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