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Tag soup for third year in a row in unit 29 (pics)

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Third straight year of a leftover tag in unit 29, third straight year of tag soup for me. I had a heck of a good time and learned lots about finding the bucks, even though I didn't actually see any this time around. The weather didn't cooperate at all, with Saturday and Sunday being around 90 degrees and the unexpected thunderstorms on Monday. With the amount of habitat burned, I had to find new places to glass since all of the areas where I had seen bucks before are gone.


Because I don't have any pictures of a buck, here are some randoms:






I glassed up several hunters well off the beaten path:



Wish this one had antlers on her:



There are three does in the brush. Glassing ain't easy:



Monday morning, before the thunderstorms ruined the day for us:



I saved this six foot long gopher snake:



This buzzworm wanted some of my beer (found in camp on Sunday afternoon):





On Sunday, a group of hunters who made the drive from Flagstaff shot a MONSTER 4x4 with disgusting mass. I don't have any pictures either, but this buck had antlers that were thick like a mulie. I expect the rack to score easily 100+. They showed us what saddle they found him on, and there are supposedly a 3x3 and an even larger buck still up there.


I have seen two really good bucks taken in this area over the past three years, and both required climbing ridiculously tall mountains. They seem to be watering in the early morning well before sunrise, then making their way up one side of the mountain and over the saddle to the other side or top to bed down during the day.


Maybe next year I'll tag one. :lol:

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Nice pictures. Hope you have better luck next year. I bet your trigger finger is getting itchy after 3 years.

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I forgot to mention on Tuesday morning my buddy and I woke up at 4am and got to our glassing spot well before sunrise. Everything was cold and wet from the rain before. The two remaining buddies decided to sleep in til 9am, then do a little road hunting. Turns out, they spotted a group of does coming down a mountainside. The very last deer was a spike buck! The friend with a tag only had one round in his rifle, and didn't know the ballistics of 30-06 past 100 yards. As you can imagine, he grossly underestimated the range and wasted his only round. Why is it the kid that doesn't do any glassing has all the luck??? :angry:

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