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Catfish Hobo


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Ok my first topic,


Baiting; I have read in the reg's that it's legal but if your on BLM or national forest land or what not you have to check with those departments or agency for allowance as the way I understand it. I have not hunted AZ for deer for the last 8-10yrs as the military has had me hunting in other countries. I would like to get some feed back from those who have done some of this so that if I decide to do any baiting or mineral licks I have a proven proccess that works and not making hours of phone calls to G&F or BLM and Forest Service. And the second part of my question your thoughts on the effectivness of baiting or licking and what made your spots successful.

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Is this a just sensitive subject or is everyone having a rough week. I've seen lots of lookers on the topic and as yet no replies. I am not looking for a secret formula or any hotspots just some general information.

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Ok my first topic,


Baiting; I have read in the reg's that it's legal but if your on BLM or national forest land or what not you have to check with those departments or agency for allowance as the way I understand it. I have not hunted AZ for deer for the last 8-10yrs as the military has had me hunting in other countries. I would like to get some feed back from those who have done some of this so that if I decide to do any baiting or mineral licks I have a proven proccess that works and not making hours of phone calls to G&F or BLM and Forest Service. And the second part of my question your thoughts on the effectivness of baiting or licking and what made your spots successful.



I used to bait for deer, but never had any luck. Last time I talked to game & fish (about 2 years ago) they said baiting for deer was legal, only predatory animals were illegal to bait. Rules change daily it seems though, so I'd go through the hoops and call just to keep yourself out of trouble.



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What size hooks work best for deer baiting? B)



That would be a 5/8" X 23" #610B Gambrel Hook :lol:

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I use a doe in heat I keep in my back yard she only has three legs and a long leash works great! Good luck with baiting ur deer

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I say no Baiting for anything, it makes it too easy and we In AZ need to get the populations of animals up except for the predators that sit on the bait and wait for the their dinner to come to it. I AM NOT A LEFTY. JUST BEEN HUNTING IN AZ (NATIVE) FOR 35 YEARS. SEEN THE GOOD OLE DAY'S OF THE 70's, 80's AND EARLY 90's NOW SO COMMERICIALED. $$$$$$$$ THAT IS WHAT IT'A ABOUT NOW.

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I say no Baiting for anything, it makes it too easy and we In AZ need to get the populations of animals up except for the predators that sit on the bait and wait for the their dinner to come to it. I AM NOT A LEFTY. JUST BEEN HUNTING IN AZ (NATIVE) FOR 35 YEARS. SEEN THE GOOD OLE DAY'S OF THE 70's, 80's AND EARLY 90's NOW SO COMMERICIALED. $$$$$$$$ THAT IS WHAT IT'A ABOUT NOW.


+1 Just go out and hunt..man. Scout,track and observe. Hunting is hard and its supposed to be hard. Forget the crap ya see on outdoor sportsman TV. Debunk that bullstuff dude. Too many folks depend on gadgets and snake-oil to hunt these days. Use what ya got and spend time out there and get to know the land and its inhabitants. Peace!!

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I say no Baiting for anything, it makes it too easy and we In AZ need to get the populations of animals up except for the predators that sit on the bait and wait for the their dinner to come to it. I AM NOT A LEFTY. JUST BEEN HUNTING IN AZ (NATIVE) FOR 35 YEARS. SEEN THE GOOD OLE DAY'S OF THE 70's, 80's AND EARLY 90's NOW SO COMMERICIALED. $$$$$$$$ THAT IS WHAT IT'A ABOUT NOW.


+1 Just go out and hunt..man. Scout,track and observe. Hunting is hard and its supposed to be hard. Forget the crap ya see on outdoor sportsman TV. Debunk that bullstuff dude. Too many folks depend on gadgets and snake-oil to hunt these days. Use what ya got and spend time out there and get to know the land and its inhabitants. Peace!!


I say go do what you want, and have fun doing it YOUR way. Don't worry what other people think. I'm sure a lot of the same people who stick their nose up to baiting also sit on water holes, use 15x Swaro's, 2 way radios, rifles that shoot 700 yards, plastic elk bugles - and then they preach fair chase... My point is, sometimes "baiting" is more than throwing down a salt block. Isn't water bait? Elk bugles during the rut? bait? Turkey calls? Waterfoul/Turkey decoys? Scent attractant? Do whatever is legal and have a blast doing it! Anyone who says that shooting a deer they glassed on a ridge 400 yds away is any more "fair chase" than shooting one out of a tree stand at 10yds away with a bow and arrow and a salt block laying on the ground will have a tough arguement I think. That deer has NO chance or seeing or winding you. Really, what is the difference between bringing a bull elk in with "bait", or bringing one in with a Primos elk bugle? You are still changing their behavior by artificial means. Really, WHAT is the difference? There is no difference other than the people who use those things don't want to admit they bait because they are "real" hunters! Just my $.02

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Forget the crap ya see on outdoor sportsman TV. Debunk that bullstuff dude.



Also, don't be so eager to knock the Outdoor Channel and tv channels alike. Yes, I agree the shows are cheesy, but they bring in new hunters, and most importantly they create dollars for the hunting industry and help move product through ads. Do you think that Thermacell is going to advertise on NBC during nightly news? THE MORE $$$$$$$$$ THERE IS IN THE HUNTING INDUSTRY, THE MORE UNLIKELY IT WILL BE CHANGED, RESTRICTED OR OUTLAWED. THAT'S EXACTLY HOW POLITICS AND LEGISLATION WORKS. The reason that state governments haven't really messed with hunting too much is all the revenue that it brings to the states. If hunting wasn't such a money maker, it would probably be gone already. How about we all support other hunters and the hunting lifestyle unconditionally? So whether you like him or not, Michael Waddel is good for you and I.

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I say go do what you want, and have fun doing it YOUR way. Don't worry what other people think. I'm sure a lot of the same people who stick their nose up to baiting also sit on water holes, use 15x Swaro's, 2 way radios, rifles that shoot 700 yards, plastic elk bugles - and then they preach fair chase... My point is, sometimes "baiting" is more than throwing down a salt block. Isn't water bait? Elk bugles during the rut? bait? Turkey calls? Waterfoul/Turkey decoys? Scent attractant? Do whatever is legal and have a blast doing it! Anyone who says that shooting a deer they glassed on a ridge 400 yds away is any more "fair chase" than shooting one out of a tree stand at 10yds away with a bow and arrow and a salt block laying on the ground will have a tough arguement I think. That deer has NO chance or seeing or winding you. Really, what is the difference between bringing a bull elk in with "bait", or bringing one in with a Primos elk bugle? You are still changing their behavior by artificial means. Really, WHAT is the difference? There is no difference other than the people who use those things don't want to admit they bait because they are "real" hunters! Just my $.02



Baiting is legal, and that is the bottom line. I don't agree with it, but I am sick of guys trying to compare tools like long range rifles and binos or even calling to baiting. Baiting is adding something tangible to the habitat that did not exist before in order to condition the game to change habits beyond their traditional practices. What these guys, whom bait, use as bait is equivalent to candy and treats for game. Bugles and calls may take advantage to a behavior, but calling is not conditioning. That conditioning is imprinted and is as random as the number of bulls ranging the hills. Sitting man made water holes would be the easiest stretch for these guys to make but even in Arizona the majority(that means not all folks) of man made water holes were put in place for cattle. For those who choose to bait, enjoy doing your thing, but quit trying to validate your practice by comparing baiting to the use of more advanced tools of hunting.

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