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Reyes does it again!

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Reyes smoked this deer last year on his Jr. hunt!post-3949-0-78330300-1318626771_thumb.jpg

Then this year he smokes this Stud Buck!!post-3949-0-59918800-1318627241_thumb.jpgpost-3949-0-66124800-1318627278_thumb.jpg :huh: We are very proud of you Reyes!! Good shootin, and maybe you can rub some of your luck off on me! :D Story to come later!!


Here is the story sent to me by Reyes dad Adrian, :D


Excited and fortunate for another Junior hunt...


"Are the draw results out Dad"? "I don't know son, you need to

check". I had already known they were out, I just wanted him to feel

the excitement after finding out that he and his cousins were drawn

for another junior hunt! Excited he was!Reyes uncle Charlie and I headed out

Thursday morning to set up camp. The weather was beautiful! The

temperature had dropped 20 degrees from the day before, the clouds

were low on the mountains, and it had rained and drizzled almost all day

long. "Please let it stay like this all weekend" (I kept thinking to

myself). Yeah right... Camp was set, Charlie headed in to town to pick

up the boys from school, and I did some last minute scouting. I

arrived at "the spot", turned off the quad and threw up the binoculars

to quickly pan the area. Whoa.... "what's that"? At the top of the

mountain was a really nice buck walking away from me. I didn't want to

take the binos off of him so I did the best I could watching him "free

hand". It was hard to get a really good look at him with the shaking

15x60s but I could tell he was nice. After watching him disappear, I

set up the tri-pod, mounted the binos, and glassed. We are not

"trophy hunters" we just love to hunt. I had glassed up a few more

bucks along with some doe's in the area. For sure we would have a tag

or two filled on opening day. At "dark thirty" we were back at "the

spot". Eric, Carlos,(cousins) and Reyes glassing before sun up. Whispers...

"where was that buck you saw last night"? " Over there on top". "Do

you think he's still there"? "Sshhh", let's be patient and glass".

Doe's, Doe's, Doe's. While making our trek back to camp we spot a

really nice 3x3 feeding and making his way down the mountain. The 3x

finally stops. I prompt Carlos and Reyes to get ready. Carlos has the

first shot....3x3 disappears. After dinner, Uncle Charlie and I

consult with the juniors. They decide to try a different area Saturday

morning. More Doe's no Bucks. Saturday afternoon we welcome the

"heat" and the "nats". Uncle Abel shows up to camp and we each take a

hunter. Reyes and I are glassing in our area. Approximately 60 yards

away another really nice buck comes running up the mountain. "Buck"

we both say at the same time. Reyes tries to find him in the scope

and I watch him crest the mountain. It all happened so fast, we both

look at eachother in amazement! I'm thinking it was the buck I had

seen two days earlier. Wow! Sunday morning we are all in the same area

that Reyes and I were in the evening before but to no avail. We break

camp Sunday afternoon. Uncle Charlie has to work and Eric and Carlos

have school, Reyes is on fall break. On Monday, Reyes and I make the

drive back out to the area in time for the evening hunt. Time to

glass. I glass up a spike buck and point him out to Reyes. "Should I

take him Dad"? "It's your hunt son, take him if you want". He

decides to wait. We only had about 25 minutes left of daylight.

Finally..... I whisper to Reyes, "get ready son". I had three bucks in

the binoculars. I point the bucks out to him so he could find them in

his rifle scope. "Got'em". "OK, take your time and squeeeze". HIGH

FIVES AND HUGS after that! ......Great job Son! It's a great feeling..

Wish Uncle Charlie, Eric and Carlos were there with us. Congrats and

Good Luck to all of the Junior Hunters!post-3949-0-91744300-1318900988_thumb.jpg


post-3949-0-22953000-1318901127_thumb.jpghope you enjoy! :D

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looks like a stud buck for sure. good job Reyes! congrats! might be tough to top that one next year.

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Congratulations Reyes on your stud buck. Can't wait to see next years buck. You definitely are on a roll. Now where's the story? :)



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Very nice buck! Stud indeed, congratulations, looking forward to the story and more pics.

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