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Your first Coues Buck

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"Do you see that big black burnt up yucca plant?" My dad asked.


"Yes", I replied.


"Ok, now do you see that white patch just to the right?"


"Yeah, I see it."


"Ok, that is the buck."


I had to stare for a while before the white spot morphed into the little buck standing broadside in the thick brush.


"Are you on him?" Dad checked.


"Yeah, I'm on him."


"Ok, put the cross hairs right behind his shoulder, make sure you are steady then squeeze the trigger. Just like you've practiced."


"Ok," Well, I could not stop shaking for the life of me, I was so excited and the adrenaline was flowing. It took me a few minutes to get the cross hairs to settle on his shoulder. BOOOM!


"You got him! He is down right there, dropped like a sack of rocks!" Dad yelled.


Such good memories, I remember like it was yesterday. I shot my first coues when I was 14 on the October hunt in 30A. 217 Yards with a .243 using a 90 grain nosler ballistic tip. Can't wait for my oldest to turn 10 next year!



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My First Coues Buck:) After hunting very hard opening weekend without seeing a single deer & little sighn on my 1st coues deer hunt I was pretty discouarged. Was I hunting the right areas? Was I at the right elevation? Am I glassing the right spots? What the heck am I doing wrong? I was at a tiny gas station late in the evening getting ready to drive home still trying to decide if I would even come back and hunt the rest of the season. A nice guy saw me in my camo and asked what I was hunting. "Coues deer" I replied a little dejectedly not really wanting to talk after a hard fruitless weekend. He replied " Me & my buddy shot our deer opening morning, wanna see'em thier in my truck." I had never even been close to a coues buck, so I checked the rad little deer out. The nice guy then invited me back to his home and offered to show me on a map where he'd been hunting, gave me tips on how to glass, suggestions on where to find good glassing points, & so on. Due to experience, I was surprised at how much info this model hunter had given me. I mentioned this to him. He replied along the lines of "Everybody needs alittle help getting going." He also showed me mounts and pictures of him and his dad hunting together. I decided to return and hunted a few more days, now that I had a clue where to hunt and how. I hunted 2 more days....hunted hard too!(Learned the term "Poor mans sheep hunt")Finally saw some deer and after climbing hill after hill, over ganite boulders and catus patches I was able to bag my very 1st coues buck:)! This very proud, and unforgettable moment wouldn't have been possible without the help of a very nice model hunter. I try to pay it forward as much as I can. Ive also been hunting coues deer (bow & rifle)every year since. I've found my passion:) A special thank you to Sean P. if you come across this, and happy hunting Buddy!

Note: Its also nice to be a member of a site like this where I can read stories and get advice from other model hunters

dead coues deer.BMP

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it was a 4x6 that scores in the high 90's. i was a lot younger than i am now and it was on the roughest mountain i've ever climbed and i have climbed it many times since and taken more of em in their. also shot a 9 foot lion on a coues hunt their once. i think the main reason i have bad knees is because of that rough mountain. Lark.

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